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2000 Fishery

  The total production value for the Newfoundland and Labrador fishery exceeded $1 billion for the second consecutive year.
   The landed value of shellfish species increased 18% over 1999, leading the industry.
  The landed value of groundfish increased 4% to $95 million.
  Landed value for all species was $581 million, an all time record and a 15% increase over 1999.
  Pelagics landings increased 4% from the previous year.
   Shrimp landings grew to 76,600 tonnes in 2000, an increase of 13,700 tonnes or 22%.
  Turbot landings increased 66% to 14.500 tonnes while it's landed value increased 92% to $23 million.
   Newfoundland enhanced it's positive image in the global marketplace in 2000 by continuing to produce top quality products.
   Annual average employment in fish harvesting increased 1% to 8,800 individuals.
   Peak harvesting employment increased 18% from 10,300 people in 1999 to 12,200 in 2000.
   Annual average employment in the industry totaled 15,200 individuals, a 11% decrease from 17,100 in 1999.
   Peak employment declined from 27,000 in 1999 to 22,600 in 2000, a reflection of decreased employment in fish processing.
  The four main species being produced through aquaculture in Newfoundland and Labrador are:
  • Steelhead trout
  • Atlantic salmon
  • Blue mussels
  • Atlantic cod
  The blue mussel sector continued to show growth in 2000 with market-ready production of 2,150 tonnes.
  The salmonid sector also grew in 2000 with market-ready production of 2,912 tonnes versus actual production of 2,478 tonnes in 1999.
  Due to poor market conditions in the last quarter of 2000, farmers chose to keep 1,500 tonnes of salmonids in their cages to be harvested and marketed in 2001.
   The grow-out of wild caught Atlantic cod produced 155 metric tonnes in 2000, up from 105 metric tonnes in 1999.
  There were 49 cod grow-out licences issued in 2000, with 18 active farms located within NAFO fishing zones 4R, 3KL and 3Ps.
  The total export value of the industry in 2000 was $13.7 million, down from $18 million in 1999.


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