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Quality Assurance Program
Program History
  In 1996, the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture Quality Assurance Program was introduced.
    Choice Snow Crab Sections
                Choice Snow Crab Sections
  In 1999, a Government / Industry Working Group was formed to formulate a long term strategy on quality.
This new strategy included a series of workshops, videos and a cod grading pilot project to raise quality awareness throughout the industry.
  A $383,570 contribution was received from the Fisheries Diversification Program (FDP) for the implementation of these quality-related projects.
  The Department’s operating budget committed $250,000 to hire twelve (12) temporary Fisheries Inspection Officers (in addition to the twenty-one (21) permanent and seasonal staff) to help implement the Quality Assurance Program.
Program Scope            Grade "A" Groundfish Fillets
             Grade "A" Groundfish Fillets
The focus of inspection activity has been broadened, since the program’s introduction to include:
  • landings by vessels,
  • the transport of raw material, and
  • ensuring quality in the pre-production
     areas of processing establishments.
  The Department conducted 5,930 inspections (as of October 20, 2000) throughout the province. This complements the role of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency who monitor processing operations within a plant and conduct final product inspections for export markets.


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