Fisheries and Aquaculture
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Mandate and Roles


The Mission of the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture is to support and promote the development of sustainable and viable fishing and aquaculture industries, which produce high quality and high value products. This will be achieved by providing fishing and aquaculture industry participants, other government organizations, and the general public, with programs and services in the areas of fisheries and aquaculture development, quality assurance, processing and aquaculture capacity management, and information services.


Government of Canada

Government of Newfoundland
and Labrador

Common Responsibilities

Scientific research

International relations

Setting quotas, catch limits, seasons and methods of catch

Licencing persons and registration of fishing vessels

Certification and inspection of fish processing plants which export products from the province, and the inspection of fish products prior to export

Conservation and protection of wild stocks

Fish health protection

Aquaculture site, facility and export inspections

National Shellfish Sanitation Program

Aquaculture statistics for Canada

Protection of rights to navigation

Fisheries diversification

Licencing of fish processing plants and fish buyers

Establishing and enforcing requirements and standards for the handling, processing, storage, transportation and sale of fish and fish products

Inspection of fish processing facilities, the products of which are sold within the province

Inspection of fish products offered for sale within the province, and quality assurance initiatives

Policies and programs related to financial support for fleet development

Aquaculture licencing

Organization and implementation of an aquaculture registry

Aquaculture site and facility inspections

Aquaculture statistics for Newfoundland

Authorization for land use tenure for aquaculture operations

Research and development

Human resource development (e.g., professionalization)

Fish/aquaculture product marketing

Environmental protection

Statistics and information services

Infrastructure support

Fish inspection



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