Video Listings & Locations
Fisheries Videos

  The Fishery Now

  Fisheries Videos

  Video Library Locations

  Video Listing

With funding from the Environmental Awareness and Conservation Technology component of the federal-provincial Fisheries Diversification Program*, The Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada has revamped the video library system established in the mid-1980's in department field offices and public libraries throughout the province.

The new video libraries will be set up in DFO Area Offices and Detachment Offices (plus several  local Satellite Offices in some remoter areas), and the Province's Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture headquarters and field offices.

Each location currently has 64 video-tapes. Because in many cases two or more short videos on a similar topic have been included on one tape, the 64 tapes contain a total of nearly 120 videos.

Topics covered by the videos include fish species, fisheries development, fishing methods, vessel maintenance and repair, fish processing, navigational aids, aquaculture, etc. The main focus of the libraries, however, is responsible fishing and the environmental impact of fishing technologies. Many of the individual videos, while focusing on particular species, fisheries and fishing methods, discuss such topics as fisheries conservation and related gear technologies and fishing methods, as well as fisheries habitat and habitat protection.

Tapes are loaned, free of charge, for a period of up to one week, to fishermen, fish processors, development associations, educators and students, and the general public.

Video Library Locations

DFO Area Offices

St. John's ph.  709-772-5858
Grand Falls - Windsor ph.  709-292-5217
Corner Brook ph.  709-637-4317

DFO Detachment Offices

Bay Roberts ph.  709-786-3960
Placentia ph.  709-227-5911
Clarenville ph.  709-466-7334
Marystown ph.  709-279-7850
Twillingate ph.  709-884-2411
Springdale ph.  709-673-5250
Happy Valley-Goose Bay ph.  709-896-6150
Stephenville ph.  709-643-8001
Rocky Harbour ph.  709-458-3082
St. Anthony ph.  709-454-3866

DFO Satellite Offices

Harbour Breton ph.  709-885-2520
Cartwright ph.  709-938-7384
St. Lewis ph.  709-939-2273
Rigolet ph.  709-947-3338
Nain ph.  709-922-2884
Makkovik ph.  709-923-2324
L'anse au Loup ph.  709-927-5582
Port aux Basques ph.  709-695-5020

Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture Offices

St. John's (HQ) ph.  709-729-3723
Grand Bank ph.  709-832-2860
Grand Falls ph.  709-292-4105
Port Saunders ph.  709-861-3537
Happy Valley-Goose Bay ph.  709-896-3412

*The $10 million Fisheries Diversification Program is part of the $81.5 million Canada-Newfoundland Agreement respecting the Economic Development Component of the Canadian Fisheries Adjustment and Restructuring Initiative, announced in August, 1999. The main thrust of the Fisheries Diversification Program is industry-wide research and development initiatives that reflect the economic/development priorities of the Newfoundland and Labrador fishing industry.


The Newfoundland Capelin Fishery 12 min (1986)
Science and Technology in Codfish Processing 19 min (1991)
Salmon Enhancement Program - Exploits River 

From CBC's "Land and Sea", a review of about two decades of work by DFO to restore salmon stocks on the lower Exploits and establish a self-sustaining stock on the huge upper portion of the Exploits watershed.

25 min (1987)
Primary Processing of Lumpfish Roe   

17 min (1987)

Fishing Gear and Fish Behaviour: An Underwater Observation

12 min (1986)

Makin' Squid - Revival of an Old Industry

21 min (1980)

Trashing the Oceans 

Shows the damage done to the water and to various forms of marine life, including seabirds, by the continuous dumping of trash into the world's oceans.

9 min (1988)

Stewards of Our Oceans  

Overview of DFO's role in protecting and managing Canada's ocean resources.

12 min (1989)

Longline Fishing and Longline Bait Research  

29 min (1988)

The Night of the Black Moon  

A video on eels and eel fishing.

24 min (1988)

The Scallop Fishery - Labrador Straits   

30 min (1985)

Care of Your Outboard 

13 min (1987)

Fiberglass Boat Repair (Reinforcing) 

8 min (1991)

Fiberglass Boat Repair (Gelcoat Repairs)

6 min (1991)

Canadian Seal - "Naturally Beneficial" 

17 min (1997)

Seal Industry Development Council

12 min (1999)

Canadian Program for Responsible Fishing

21 min (1994)

Scottish Seining

History of Scottish seining to 1984.

16 min (1984)

Pair Trawling

Detailed look at a Nova Scotia pair trawling operation using two 42' vessels.

9 min (1984)

Marine Weather Forecasting

12 min (1984)

The Sole Source

A look at the development of the flatfish fishery in the Gulf of Alaska.

21 min (1990)

Nav Aids and Harvesting

Shows how modern navigational aids can be used to improve the efficiency of fishing vessel operations, saving time, fuel and money.

21 min (1994)

The D N G Jigging Reel  

7 min (1987)

Reduction of Fish By-catch in Shrimp Trawls

Use of a sorting grid to reduce by-catch in Norwegian coastal and offshore shrimp trawling operations.

21 min (1989)

People of the Sea

Narrated by Provincial wildlife biologist Shane Mahoney, this beautiful, award-winning film talks about the importance of the ocean's resources, especially capelin, to the people of this province.

49 min (1999)

Small Fishing Vessel Safety

17 min (1989)

Fishing Vessel Stability 

14 min (1984)

The Kynoc Case 

13 min (1990)

Trout Stream

Excellent National Film Board study of the eastern brook trout.

10 min (1961)

The Atlantic Salmon

Excellent National Film Board study of the life cycle of the Atlantic salmon; includes discussion of salmon research and the use of fishways in salmon stock conservation and restoration.

30 min (1979)

Atlantic Salmon - "Fight for Survival"

Filmed on the Mersey River, Nova Scotia - discusses the impact of hydro and industrial development.

15 min (70's)

Black Brook Incubation Facility 

Shows the operation of DFO's salmon egg incubation facility on Black Brook, on the Baie Verte Peninsula.

32 min (1994)

The Future is in Your Hands

Techniques and equipment for successful catch-and-release salmon angling.

9 min (1994)

Labrador River Trap Fishery for Arctic Char

Both English and Inuktituk versions presented.

21 min (1992)

Labrador Salmon

Shows salmon angling on a Labrador river; discusses salmon conservation issues.

27 min (1995)

Return of a River

About the restoration and preservation of Rennies River, in St. John's, this beautifully filmed video is an excellent portrayal of the importance of maintaining different kinds of natural ecosystems in and around urban areas.

52 min (1996)

Saltfish processing - A New Look at an Old Industry

18 min (1987)

The Production of High Quality Salt Cod

38 min (1991)

Fresh Fish 

12 min (1985)

Fundamentals of Fish Filleting      

13 min (1989)

Baader 184 PK Machine

4 min (1993)

PBR 960 Pinbone Remover

7 min (1993)

Parasensors PS 100 Machine  

3 min (1993)

Pinbone Remover - Salmon

3 min (1993)

Icelandic V-cut Method 

6 min (1993)


18 min (1991)

Aquaculture - "New World of Opportunity"   

Outlines opportunities in cold water aquaculture development in Newfoundland and Labrador.

10 min (1993)

Cod Growout Project 97 

19 min (1997)

Mussel Growing Step By Step

30 min (1988)

Aquaculture Site Marking 

How to carry out aquaculture site marking so that growers and other water users can co-exist.

24 min (1998)

Harvesting Sea Urchins in Newfoundland

28 min (1997)

Sea Urchin Processing - Maine and New Brunswick

30 min (1994)

Fish Behaviour to an Otter Trawl  

53 min (1982)

Harvesting the Shelf 

Overview of Canada's introduction and implementation of the 200-mile limit.

56 min (1980)

Development of the Cod Trap  

This is a sound-on-slide show transferred to video.

15 min (1982)

Advanced Cod Trap Construction

20 min (1988)

Surimi Production of Japan

11 min (1984)

Surimi - An American Opportunity

10 min (1985)

Production of Imitation Crab Legs

12 min (1983)

Shellfish and Your Microwave 

24 min (1983)

Calamar Preparation and Cuisine

How to clean and cook squid.

29 min (1983)

Underwater Research in the North Atlantic: Fishermen's Battle

Lost gillnets, and other things affecting fish habitat. Produced by the University of Connecticut, USA.

59 min (1988)

Sustainable Development and the Ecosystem Approach

Two short videos: "Sustainable Development" and "Earth's Harmony: An Argument for Changing the Way We Think".

18 min (1993)

For the Right Reasons  

Discussion of the concept of Marine Conservation Areas.

19 min (1998)

The survival of Fish Escaping from Cod-ends   

10 min (1991)

Square Mesh Windows in Prawn Trawls 

7 min (1991)

Square Mesh Cod Ends

9 min (1991)

Fishing for the future: Improving Gear Selectivity  

10 min (1993)

Fishing Gear Selectivity on the Great Lakes 

9 min (1992)

Scottish Seining Selectivity Project

7 min (1993)

Conservation Methods

12 min (1988)

Selectivity of Fishing Gear  

17 min (1993)

Lastridge Rope Selectivity Program - Gulf of St. Lawrence

15 min (1994)

Mortality in the Shrimp Fishery

Video produced in Iceland, about the survival of small fish escaping through the small mesh of shrimp trawls.

16 min (1994)

By-Catch Reduction - Northern Shrimp Fishery

10 min (1993)

Mesh Size Selectivity Trials - Northern Shrimp Fishery

16 min (1993)

Shrimp Size Selectivity Project 

Reducing by-catch and the retention of small shrimp, using the Nordmore Grate and a size sorting grid.

7 min (1996)

The Science and Conservation of Greenland Halibut (Turbot) 

44 min (1995)


25 min (1990)

Longlines - An Undersea Investigation 

Underwater film of fishing halibut with circle hooks.

15 min (1984)
Capelin Fishery, Conception Bay 

28 min (1988)

The Great Capelin Chase

The capelin fishery from Bonavista Bay to White Bay.

26 min (1989)

Newfoundland - The Coming of the Capelin

Discusses the importance of capelin in the marine food chain; factors that affect capelin stocks; drastic impacts that a collapse of this key species might have.

26 min (1990)

Capelin Handling and Processing in Newfoundland and Labrador

25 min (1993)

Life Aboard the Kinguk  

Shrimp trawler operation in the Arctic, with mainly Inuit crew.

11 min (1991)

Flume Tank Tests - 938 x 6 cm Twin Trawl

8 min (1996)

Introduction of Twin Trawl Technology to the Newfoundland Inshore Shrimp Fishery

10 min (1997)

Northern Shrimp - Quality Handling Processes

20 min (2000)

Snow Crab - Quality Handling Processes

23 min (2000)

Fibreglass Boat Repair

60 min (1989)

Harvesting for Quality - A Guide for Canadian Sealers

35 min (1990)

Killer Whales - Wolves of the Sea

60 min (1993)

Getting to Know the Whales of Newfoundland and Labrador

42 min (1994)

Dynamic Titans

About whales in Newfoundland waters, and the problems they sometimes pose for fishermen.

28 min (1981)

Whales and Fishing Gear - Prevention and Release

Jon Lien, founder of Memorial University's Whale Research Group, discusses the problem of whale entrapment in fishing gear, and the group's work on solving that problem.

22 min (1993)

Charts and Chartmakers

(Not up-to-date with latest technology, but otherwise accurate in its depiction of the methods and processes used in producing navigational charts.)

12 min (1982)


Electronic charting system designed to enable fish harvesters to pinpoint sea bottom features.

10 min (1990)

"Ocean Mapping" - (Land and Sea - cbc tv)

24 min

The Sharks

Looks at the physical and behavioural characteristics of sharks, and the Japanese shark fishing industry.

58 min (1984)

Comparing the Newfoundland and Iceland Fisheries

Candid discussion of two very different political and economic approaches to the fishing industry.

43 min (1994)

Hook Design

Looks at the various types of commercial longline fish hook designs.

10 min (1991)

Feather Hook Construction

15 min (1991)

Feather Hook Longlining

From NTV's "The Twine Loft", with Marine Institute's Jan Negrijn.

26 min (1992)

Income Tax Services

40 min (1991)

The Newfoundland Bluefin Tuna Fishery

17 min (1991)

Black Cod

From CBC TV's "Country Canada" series, a look at British Columbia's black cod fishery.

10 min (1992)

Rock Weed - A Nova Scotia Treasure 

9 min (1995)

Salmonid Habitat Improvement - Vol l 

Habitat improvement techniques.

47 min (1994)

Salmonid Habitat Improvement - Vol ll 

More habitat improvement techniques.

31 min (1995)

Pamehec Brook - A Fish Habitat Restoration Success Story 

Restoration of a section of brook that had been diverted 20 years ago for log-driving.

9 min (1992)

The Atlantic Lobster

Underwater observations. 

11 min (1987)

Lobsters - Underwater Research in the North Atlantic

59 min (1987)

Sizing Up Southern Gulf Lobster

16 min (1989)

"In Our Own Hands" - Eastport

10 min

"Towing the Line" - Eastport

The Eastport videos document how local lobster fishermen, with the help of DFO, have developed their own local lobster conservation program.

12 min

Crisis in the Fisheries - Public Forum (cbc tv)

55 min (1989)

"Problems in the Fishery" - ("The Nature of Things" - cbc tv)

45 min (1992)

Vanishing Point - Fishing Dangerously on the Grand Banks (ntv)

Historical overview of northern cod, from early European fishery to the imposition of the 1992 moratorium.

49 min (1992)

"Taking Stock" (National Film Board)

Historical overview of the northern cod fishery.

48 min (1994)

"Land and Sea - 25 Years" (cbc tv)

85 min (1990)