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Health - 1996

January, February, March, April, May, June
, August, September, October, November, December


January 15
Changes to home support program clarified

January 16
Health Minister to hold news conference today, Subject: Budgetary process for department
Health Minister comments on department's budget

January 30
Mental health crisis centre to open April 1

January 31
Breast Screening Program officially launched in province


February 2
Seniors Resource Centre receives funding

February 5
Discussions being held on home support services

February 12
Home Support Program reviewed

February 14
Correction regarding home support services


March 20
HIV-1 p24 antigen test available through public health laboratory
Heart Health Awareness Campaign launched


April 30
Health Minister to meet with Newfoundland and Labrador Nurses Union


May 1
Health Minister Comments on Meeting With Nurses Union

May 16
Provincial budget maintains strong commitment to health care

May 17
Details on Changes in Long Term Care Rates
Health Minister to Speak on Budget

May 27
Minister Comments on Road Ambulance Program


June 13
Review of health services planned for Central Newfoundland

June 18
Ministerial Statement - Government purchases Grace Hospital

June 19
Health minister comments on cost of substance abuse in province

June 28
Health Minister announces steering committee for central


July 5
Nutrition Survey under way

July 16
Health Minister Comments on Pharmacy Dispensing Fees

July 19
Health Minister to meet with media, July 19
Health Minister announced new rates for nursing homes
Health Minister discusses operating budget

July 26
Health Minister clarifies concerns about prenatal vitamins


August 26
Health minister announces consultants to review health services in central


September 4
News Conference, September 4, Subject: Reorganization of health care services
Premier announces plans for hospital restructuring in St. John's
NOTE TO EDITORS - Official opening of the Exploits Memorial Vetrians Palvilion at the Dr. Hugh Twomey Health Care Centre in Botwood

September 6
Ministers of Health to Meet Next Week
Veterans wing officially opened in Central Newfoundland

September 10
New blood system for Canada

September 11
New national authority to operate Canada's blood system

September 12
NOTE TO EDITORS: Minister to officially open the Placentia Health Centre

September 24
NOTE TO EDITORS: Minister to hold news conference regarding changes to the board structure for nursing homes in St. John's
New board to oversee St. John's nursing homes

September 27
Deadline set for Dow Corning Corporation Bankruptcy Claims, February 14, 1997

September 30
World Breastfeeding Week October 1-7


October 8
News Conference, October 8, Subject: integrating information systems
Centre for Health Information established

October 17
Nutrition survey enters second phase

October 21
NOTE TO EDITORS: Workshop on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome


November 1
Health Minister to speak to Ontario Hospital Association

November 13
St. John's Nursing Home Board named

November 20
Student Drug Use Survey released

November 21
NOTE TO EDITORS: News conferences in Happy Valley-Goose Bay and in St. John's, November 22

November 22
NOTE TO EDITORS: Change in time for news conferences in Happy Valley-Goose Bay and in St. John's, November 22
New hospital for Happy Valley-Goose Bay
Training workshop for addictions specialists councelling people with gambling addictions

November 28
Allied Youth members win awards

November 29
Ministerial Statement - Delivery of health care services in the Burin, Bonavista and Clarenville regions
World AIDS Day, December 1


December 4
Minister comments on claims about quality of health care


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