January 23, 2007

Rural Youth Explore Post-Secondary Options Through Travel Program

Memorial University, The Rooms and the House of Assembly are just some places that students from rural Newfoundland and Labrador can experience under the Department of Education’s Intra-Provincial Travel Program. The Honourable Joan Burke, Minister of Education, announced today that 10 rural school groups have been provided funding to view educational and cultural facilities outside their home communities.

“It’s easy for a student in St. John’s to check out opportunities at local post-secondary campuses. The same cannot be said for students who live in rural parts of our province,” said Minister Burke. “This program was created so that more students can get a first-hand look at what’s going on at Memorial University and College of the North Atlantic. We hope this exposure to our post-secondary institutions and other cultural and educational sites will not only inspire these young people to pursue post-secondary education, but give them a level of comfort around living away from home while attending school.”

To be considered for funding, schools submitted an application package to the department, detailing the objectives for their trip and a planned itinerary. Students will participate in campus tours, and visit cultural and educational sites, science centres and business organizations.

“Many of these students may not have had the opportunity to visit a larger center,” said Minister Burke. “Our hope is that by exposing them to day-to-day life – including getting around campus and job shadowing – their post-secondary experience will be enhanced.”

While this program can help these students make more informed life choices, it also benefits their schools and communities. Students can take the message back to their peers that there are exciting opportunities beyond high school. And ultimately, these students can return to their communities after acquiring their post-secondary education or training and make valuable contributions to its growth and development.

Funding has been provided to the following:

  • Appalachia High School (St. George’s), E.A. Butler All Grade (McKays) and Belanger Memorial School (Upper Ferry);
  • Point Leamington Academy (Point Leamington);
  • Cloud River Academy, Mary Simms All Grade (Roddickton);
  • St. James’ Regional High (Port aux Basques);
  • Canon J.T. Richards Memorial Central High School (Flower’s Cove);
  • St. Mary’s All Grade (Mary’s Harbour);
  • Sacred Heart School (Conche);
  • Long Range Academy (Cow Head);
  • Cottrell’s Cove Academy (Cottrell’s Cove);
  • Basques Memorial All Grade (Red Bay).

Each of the groups will receive between $1,100 and $5,800 to cover their travel expenses.


Media contact:
Jacquelyn Howard
Director of Communications
Department of Education
709-729-0048, 689-2624

2007 01 23                                        11:10 a.m.

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