January 25, 2007

Department Brings Education Opportunities to Labrador Worksite

In a progressive move that will greatly benefit employees, the Department of Education has approved Voisey’s Bay Nickel Company (VBNC) to offer Adult Basic Education Level I at its mining site in Labrador. It is the first time the ABE Level I program has been offered in the mining industry in the province.

"This government is focused on creating opportunities for our citizens and a large part of this is ensuring we have an educated workforce. We know that education is critical for both individual growth and for our province’s future prosperity," said the Honourable Joan Burke, Minister of Education. "Increasing literacy and learning levels requires innovative partnerships and ideas, particularly in rural and remote areas of the province. The department has worked closely with VBNC to make the ABE Level I program available to its employees at their work site. The company is making a real contribution to their employees’ career opportunities. This is the type of initiative we need to see more of in our province."

The ABE program is offered at the company’s new Skills Development Centre. In addition to ABE, the centre offers a wide range of learning opportunities, including English as a Second Language, Workplace Literacy/Essential Skills, General Education Development, computer basics, pre-trades preparation and leadership training. The centre is well-equipped with the latest technology, all provided by VBNC. To support these educational programs, the company hired Kathleen Moriarty as a skills development trainer.

"Our programs are learner-centered and flexible, customized to suit the needs of each individual," said Ms. Moriarty. "Employees are excited to be able to continue their education while at the site and I am thrilled with the level of commitment they are showing. This is one more step in the development of a learning culture at work and it shows the company really believes in its people."

VBNC applied to the Department of Education to offer ABE using the same process as any private college or community group wishing to start an ABE program. The company had to meet all requirements, including a site visit, as listed by provincial regulations. There are approximately 20 employees enrolled in the program.

"This is an excellent model of a successful workplace literacy program. Learning is not something that happens only in a formal education setting. In this case, workers can access upgrading and training programs during their off-time while on-site. This is a tremendous asset for the employees of VBNC and clearly demonstrates what can be accomplished when business, labour and government work together.

I commend Voisey’s Bay Nickel for their commitment to providing accessible, relevant educational opportunities and strongly encourage other business organizations to follow their example," said the minister.


Media contact:
Jacquelyn Howard
Director of Communications
Department of Education
709-729-0048, 689-2624

2007 01 25                                                    9:45 a.m.

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