Health and Community Services
January 22, 2007

Province and ACT Celebrate Tobacco Reduction Success

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador and the Alliance for the Control of Tobacco (ACT) are encouraging Newfoundlanders and Labradorians to mark National Non-Smoking Week by reminding family and friends of the benefits of a smoke-free lifestyle. The week runs from January 21-27, 2007.

"Our government and ACT have been working diligently over the last number of years to increase our efforts around tobacco control," said the Honourable Ross Wiseman, Minister of Health and Community Services. "Our emphasis on the benefits of a smoke-free lifestyle is continuing to hit home with people as smoking rates decline."

"Newfoundland and Labrador has been showing success in its efforts to reduce smoking," said Gary Milley, chair of the ACT Board. "Smoking has decreased in adults aged 20-24 and 35-44, in particular in recent years. This improvement can be attributed in part to awareness campaigns like National Non-Smoking Week and various public education campaigns launched by ACT and government over recent years." Mr. Milley said while the decrease in the number of people smoking is a positive sign, the board will continue to work on enhancing education and awareness around this health issue.

"Currently 79 per cent of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians are living smoke-free which demonstrates the progress we are making in tobacco control," said Minister Wiseman. "This year we invested $3.7 million in wellness promotion to encourage healthy eating, physical activity, injury prevention and smoking prevention and cessation."

The Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey (CTUMS) indicates that this province’s smoking rates decreased in the 20-24 age group from 41.4 per cent in 2001 to 28.3 per cent in 2005. Smokers aged 35-44 decreased from 34.2 per cent in 2001 to 21.1 per cent in 2005. The average number of cigarettes smoked per day also decreased significantly for females, dropping from 14 cigarettes per day in 2001 to 12.4 cigarettes per day in 2005.

Studies show that 85 per cent of smokers start before the age of 16 and 25 per cent before the age of 13. "Every year, 4,500 children in this province start smoking," said Mr. Milley. "That’s more than enough reason to continue our advocacy work."

Building on the success of the Smoke Free Environment Act, 2005, government introduced several new initiatives such as the Born a Non-Smoker Program, to keep the smoke-free message front and centre for new parents, as well as educational resources for school-aged children. Additionally, government is reviewing other initiatives with tobacco control partners, including the potential elimination of "power walls" – large tobacco product display stands behind store counters. Next month, new tobacco retail signs will be distributed to stores to discourage the purchase of tobacco products.

Government and ACT plan to continue their efforts for healthier living beyond National Non-Smoking Week through the launch of a new social marketing campaign in February 2007.

ACT is dedicated to reducing the negative health, economic, and environmental effects of tobacco use in Newfoundland and Labrador. ACT is responsible for developing and leading the Provincial Tobacco Reduction Strategy in cooperation with its partners including the Provincial Government, the Newfoundland and Labrador Lung Association, the Canadian Cancer Society, the Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association, the four Regional Health Authorities, the Tobacco Free Network, the Central Tobacco Awareness Coalition and school districts. The strategy sets out a three-year plan for tobacco control activities in the province.

For more information on quitting, please see, an on-line resource available from the Newfoundland and Labrador Lung Association.

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Media contacts:

Tansy Mundon
Director of Communications
Department of Health and Community Services
709-729-1377, 685-1741
Karen McCarthy
Alliance for the Control of Tobacco

2007 01 22                                                    9:55 a.m.

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