January 31, 2007

Minister of Education Responds to Report of Auditor General 

The Honourable Joan Burke, Minister of Education, said today she expects College of the North Atlantic to fully adhere to proper procedures, policies and legislation and that immediate action be taken to address issues raised by the Auditor General.  The annual report of the Auditor General, released today, identifies concerns with expenditures and human resource practices at College of the North Atlantic. 

“Some of the practices identified by the Auditor General are simply unacceptable,” said the minister.  “I have directed the college to conduct a line by line review of the report and take all necessary steps to recover funds inappropriately paid to employees.  We welcome the analysis of the Auditor General as part of this government’s commitment to transparency and accountability.  Now, all efforts must be focused on ensuring public dollars are used as intended, according to public service policies and the appropriate legislation and guidelines.” 

The minister noted that the college has already initiated a human resource review and forensic audit. 

“The college understands the role of the Office of the Auditor General and acknowledges the positive impact the process will have on the operations of the college,” said Al Goss, chair of the Board of Governors.  “Addressing the issues raised by the Auditor General is a priority for the college.  Many have already been addressed through corrective action.  We will continue to work closely with government to ensure that appropriate procedures and practices are identified and followed at all times.” 

The review of the Auditor General included an analysis of expenditures and human resource practices at the college and covered the period from April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2005. 

“I want to assure the people of Newfoundland and Labrador that the college continues to be a leader in post-secondary education and the quality and excellence of the programs offered are not, in any way, impacted by the findings of the Auditor General,” said Minister Burke. 

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Media contact:
Jacquelyn Howard
Director of Communications
Department of Education
709-729-0048, 689-2624 

2007 01 31                                                        11:15 a.m.

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