Executive Council
February 1, 2007

February is Violence Prevention Month

Females are the victim of 76 per cent of all sexual assaults that occur in Newfoundland and Labrador and 61 per cent of these victims are aged 17 and under. Men are the victim of 50 per cent of all minor assaults that occur in this province.

“These statistics are startling but clearly demonstrate just how many people in Newfoundland and Labrador are affected by violence, either directly or by knowing someone who has been victimized,” said the Honourable Joan Burke, Minister Responsible for the Status of Women and Minister of Education. “It is the responsibility of all levels of government, community organizations, and citizens of this province to take action against violence, and spread the message that violence is unacceptable.”

Minister Burke and members of the Southwestern Regional Coordinating Committee will be at the town hall in Stephenville on Friday, February 2, at 10:00 a.m. to proclaim February as Violence Prevention Month. This committee is one of 10 regional coordinating committees created under the Violence Prevention Initiative to help prevent violence at the community level.

According to Canadian statistics, women, children, seniors and persons with disabilities are most vulnerable to violence, with women experiencing the highest rates of violence in all groups. Violence against women also tends to be more severe, frequent and cause more serious physical and psychological injury. Aboriginal women and children face three times more violence in their homes and in their communities than those in the general population.

“Violence can not be ignored. As the Minister Responsible for the Status of Women and lead minister of the Violence Prevention Initiative, I have made a commitment to bring this issue forward, to make it a priority of this government and to create awareness so that it is front and center in the minds and actions of all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. I believe we can make real advances in combating violence through our Violence Prevention Initiative.”

The Violence Prevention Initiative is a $7.2 million plan of action that works in partnership with community organizations and representatives to raise awareness, support victims and find long-term solutions to the problem of violence in Newfoundland and Labrador.

“I encourage everyone to take time this month to learn how to become involved in violence prevention activities in your community and to recognize that violence is a problem that exists each day in this province” said Minister Burke.

For more information on violence prevention, visit the Violence Prevention Initiative’s Web site at www.gov.nl.ca/vpi. For information on how to get involved in violence prevention in your community or for a listing of violence prevention activities taking place throughout February, contact your local Violence Prevention Initiative Regional Coordinating Committee:

Labradorians for Peaceful Communities - 709-896-8080
Western Regional Coalition to End Violence - 709-634-4199
Grenfell Regional Anti-Violence Team - 709-454-3351
Committee Against Violence Inc. (Central West) - 709-489-8828
Eastern Region Committee Against Violence - 709-466-4676
Coalition Against Violence (Eastern Avalon) - 709-757-0137
Southwestern Coalition to End Violence - 709-643-1022
Burin Peninsula Voice Against Violence - 709-279-4030
The Roads to End Violence - 709-256-4395
Communities Against Violence (Bay Roberts) - 709-786-7182


Media contact:
Michelle Hynes
Communications and Policy Research Analyst
Women’s Policy Office
709-729-6225, 693-2125

2007 02 01                                  9:10 a.m.

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