January 31, 2007

Government Will Closely Review Auditor General Recommendations 

The Williams administration continues to move forward on improvements to accountability and transparency within government and today welcomed the report of the Auditor General on its review of departments and agencies for the year ended March 31, 2006.  The Honourable Tom Marshall, Minister of Finance and President of Treasury Board, said government takes seriously the work and mandate of the Auditor General and will closely review his recommendations to determine what further actions are required to enhance this government’s strong record of accountability. 

“The annual Auditor’s General report is an important check-point which provides our government with the opportunity to review how we are doing in terms of ensuring our spending from the public purse is within government’s policies and guidelines and the province’s legislation,” said Minister Marshall.  “The people of Newfoundland and Labrador need assurance that their government is fulfilling its duty as the keeper of the public treasury.  We are also open to recommendations as to how we can improve in delivering on that responsibility.” 

Minister Marshall noted that government’s willingness and commitment to continuous improvement in the area of prudent financial control and management is evident by the fact that in some instances the Auditor General’s recommendations to various government departments and agencies have already been acted upon.  In addition, in the updates the Auditor General has provided regarding issues highlighted in previous reports, it shows that government has taken appropriate action, the minister stated. 

Minister Marshall also referred to the fact that the province’s Transparency and Accountability Act was proclaimed on December 15, 2006, which reflects government’s commitment for greater openness and accountability for all government departments and public bodies. 

“Through our actions and initiatives it is clear to the people of this province that we take seriously our role to be accountable in how we spend their tax dollars,” said Minister Marshall.  “Our efforts will continue as we move forward in prioritizing our spending programs and putting into effect even tighter financial controls.” 


Media Contact:
Bill Hickey
Director of Communications
Department of Finance
709-729-6830, 691-6390  

2007 01 31                                                        11:00 a.m.

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