Health and Community Services
February 2, 2007

New Chief Executive Officer Appointed for Central Health

The Honourable Ross Wiseman, Minister of Health and Community Services, and Robert Woolfrey, board chair for Central Health, today announced the appointment of Karen McGrath as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Central Health.

"Ms. McGrath has demonstrated exemplary senior management skills in her previous roles and I am confident she will be an effective leader for Central Health," said Minister Wiseman. "I look forward to working with Ms. McGrath as we continue to deliver quality health and community services to residents in the central region."

"Ms. McGrath brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to this position. With approximately 10 years experience at the executive level in various organizations, Ms. McGrath is well positioned to manage the strategic and operational challenges at Central Health," said Mr. Woolfrey. "Her previous experience as CEO with a number of organizations in Newfoundland and Labrador as well as in Ontario, will undoubtedly make her an immediate asset to Central Health."

Ms. McGrath will officially assume the position of CEO as of March 26, 2007. Rosemarie Goodyear, interim CEO, will resume her position as vice president, community services, effective March 26, 2007.

"As the board chair for Central Health, I would like to say that we are extremely pleased that Ms. McGrath will be joining our organization. Her leadership style and the diverse background she brings to the organization will be invigorating for both management and staff," said Mr. Woolfrey.

"On behalf of the entire board, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere appreciation and gratitude to Ms. Goodyear for accepting the challenging task of guiding the organization through this important transition," said Mr. Woolfrey. "She has ensured that the day-to-day operations of the organization continue through effective and timely decision-making, while balancing her own portfolio."

Recruitment efforts for the medical officer of health, vice president of human resources and vice president of medical affairs are ongoing.


Media contacts:

Tara Furlong
Communications Specialist
Department of Health and Community Services
709-729-2888, 727-2701
Stephanie Power
Director of Communications
Central Health



Karen McGrath

Karen McGrath has served as CEO of the Ontario Division of the Canadian Mental Health Association for the past two years. From 2002 to 2005 she served as the CEO to the former Health and Community Services, Central. Prior to that, Ms. McGrath was the departmental lead and board liaison for the Department of Health and Community Services Operational Review. Ms. McGrath has also served as CEO of the former Health and Community Services, St. John’s Region and as assistant executive director, client services at the same organization. Ms. McGrath is a graduate of Memorial University, holding a bachelor of social work and a master of business administration and also holds a diploma of health services management from the Canadian Hospital Association.

2007 02 02                                              10:55 a.m.

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