House of Assembly
January 30, 2007 

The following is being issued at the request of Chief Justice Derek Green, head of the Review Commission on Constituency Allowances and Related Matters: 

Head of Commission Updates Status of Report 

Chief Justice Derek Green, head of the Review Commission on Constituency Allowances and Related Matters, said today his report is close to completion and he anticipates that he will be in a position to finalize and deliver the report in a couple of weeks. 

“I had anticipated that the report would be ready for delivery by January 31, but now expect it to be around mid-February,” Chief Justice Green said.  “While extensive and time-consuming work has been completed, some additional time is required to complete the report to effectively carry out the mandate of the review.” 

Chief Justice Green said he has advised the Premier, the Honourable Danny Williams, and the Speaker of the House of Assembly, the Honourable Harvey Hodder, of the short delay in completion of the report. 

The review commission’s mandate extends beyond examination of appropriate levels of compensation, allowances and pensions of MHAs.  It also involves making recommendations respecting financial management and controls in the House of Assembly administration generally. 

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Media contact:
Beth Whalen

2007 01 30                                                        2:10 p.m.     

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