Government Services
April 2, 2007

New Provincial Licence Plates Incorporate Government’s Brand Signature

The implementation of government’s brand signature took another step forward today with the release of the newly designed provincial licence plates. The Honourable Kevin O’Brien, Minister of Business, and the Honourable Dianne Whalen, Minister of Government Services, were in attendance this morning as the new licence plates entered circulation.

"It’s another big step forward in terms of implementing the brand signature across all government departments," said Minister O’Brien. "The brand signature conveys the true characteristics of our province; creative, resilient, unique. I’m very pleased that the brand signature will be a prominent design element on the new licence plates."

The new design is consistent with the province’s brand signature, and the rollout of the new plates begins this month. This will include plates for passenger, trailer, trail bike, motorcycle, antique, sample, taxi and commercial vehicles. This is part of government’s strategy to phase in usage of the brand signature during the next one – two years.

"The Motor Registration Division is very pleased to begin the roll out of the new licence plates. It is important for drivers to be aware that they are not required to get new licence plates at this time as these are not intended to replace existing licence plates," said Minister Whalen. "New plates are provided when a car is purchased from a dealership. If for some reason, a replacement plate is required, then the replacement cost of $20 is applied. Should anyone wish to purchase one of these newly designed licence plates, then they can do so at this replacement cost. The existing plate will need to be returned."

Minister Whalen also advises that there is still an existing inventory of licence plates with the previous design. "All locations of the Motor Registration Division and car dealerships still have an inventory of licence plates in stock. This means that a registered owner renewing a licence plate or buying a new car in the coming months may still receive a licence plate with the previous design."

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Photo #1 : New Provincial Licence Plates

Media contacts:

Jennifer Dalton
Director of Communications
Department of Business
709-729-7628, 693-2655
Vanessa Colman-Sadd
Director of Communications
Department of Government Services
709-729-4860, 682-6593

2007 04 02                                                   11:40 a.m.


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