Fisheries and Aquaculture
April 5, 2007

New Training Program for Fish Inspectors a First in Canada

The Provincial Government's ongoing commitment to ensuring that maximum quality is achieved for all Newfoundland and Labrador seafood products has led to the initiation of a new training program for provincial fish inspectors.

The Honourable Tom Rideout, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, today said that the new training initiative, called the Quality, Compliance and Enforcement Program (QCEP), will ensure that fish inspectors throughout the province have the knowledge and skills that are necessary to most effectively enforce quality assurance protocols.

"This new program will allow the department to build upon the progress it has made in strengthening the province's quality assurance program," said Minister Rideout. "The department has partnered with College of the North Atlantic (CNA), Bay St. George campus to produce this program. Much research has been carried out to create a well rounded program that will best meet the needs and expectations of the industry. This initiative is unlike any other in Canada, and we certainly look forward to seeing the results."

The QCEP contains 17 modules and is administered in partnership with CNA, the National Seafood Sector Council, the Marine Institute and Canadian Coast Guard. The training covers numerous aspects related to fish inspection, including legislation and licensing, inspection techniques, criminal law and law enforcement ethics. All 37 inspectors will go through the training with 15 to 20 attending each session. Each module will run until all inspectors have completed their training, along with some compliance and enforcement staff. An instructor has been hired to deliver the course and it is anticipated that approximately $442,000 will be invested in carrying out this training over a four year period.

The training will be made available to the public following the completion of the program by all departmental inspectors. Minister Rideout said, "I am pleased to report that the first group of 15 inspectors has already completed the first two modules."

"College of the North Atlantic continues to demonstrate leadership in post-secondary education, offering programming that is relevant, timely and of the highest quality," said the Honourable Joan Burke, Minister of Education and MHA for St. George’s – Stephenville East. "This is an excellent opportunity for potential students and all partners of the new program and I’m very pleased that the Bay St. George campus has stepped up and been able to deliver."

"Our government will continue to support and implement measures aimed at strengthening the Newfoundland and Labrador fishery," said Minister Rideout. "We have made the marketing of our province's seafood a top priority. In order to market effectively, we must ensure that our seafood products continue to be of optimal quality. This new program will be key in continuing to meet that goal."


Media contacts:

Lori Lee Oates
Director of Communications
Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture
709-729-3733, 690-8403
Jacquelyn Howard
Director of Communications
Department of Education
709-729-0048, 689-2624
Roger Hulan
Manager, Marketing and Communications
College of the North Atlantic

2007 04 05                                                     9:55 a.m.


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