Health and Community Services
April 4, 2007

Minister Clarifies Information about Drug Coverage for MS Patients

In response to any confusion in the public concerning drug coverage for individuals with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), the Honourable Ross Wiseman, Minister of Health and Community Services, yesterday met with representatives of the Multiple Sclerosis Society and clarified information regarding the drug coverage the province currently provides to those with MS under the Newfoundland and Labrador Prescription Drug Program (NLPDP).

"In response to the MS Society’s recent public awareness campaign, it is important for the public to understand what the MS Society is requesting, and how this compares to the rest of the country," said Minister Wiseman. "The MS Society is calling on the province to provide all MS patients with 100 per cent, universal coverage of MS drugs, through a publicly-funded drug program, regardless of income level or ability to pay. While most provinces do provide full coverage for income support recipients, as we currently do, most provinces require residents to make some form of contribution towards their drug costs in relation to their income by a means of a premium, deductible, and/or a co-pay."

"Government is very sympathetic to those individuals and families who struggle to afford the high costs of drugs to treat MS or cancer, or for diseases such as diabetes," continued Minister Wiseman. "That’s why we have increased the budget for our provincial drug program every year for the last three years, adding effective new drug therapies as well as expanding the number of people covered under the program."

Government currently provides coverage of therapies used in the treatment of MS (Betaseron, Copaxone, Avonex and Rebif) for beneficiaries of the NLPDP who meet the established clinical criteria for these drugs. These therapies can cost in the range of $15,000 - $20,000 per patient per year and are covered for NLPDP beneficiaries under special authorization based on clinical criteria.

Individuals covered under the new Low Income Drug Program pay for a portion of their drug costs (referred to as a co-pay), as per the guidelines of the new program, however those covered under the Income Support Drug Program receive 100 per cent coverage of benefit drug therapies.

In addition, any resident of the province can request an assessment for a ‘drug-card’ only. These assessments are done mostly by the Department of Human Resources, Labour and Employment, but can be conducted by the Regional Health Authorities in limited circumstances. These assessments include a review of an individual’s income, living expenses and drug costs.

"The basis for the NLPDP has been driven by a financial ability to pay rather than a disease specific program so that our program provides coverage for the most vulnerable populations," said Minister Wiseman. "The Premier has committed to try to address, to the extent possible within our fiscal means, the issue of high drug costs for residents as part of the upcoming budget process. "However, government has the responsibility to approach the issue to ensure that all residents who are in need of drug coverage are treated fairly. That is our challenge and one we are considering leading up to this month’s budget."

The Newfoundland and Labrador Prescription Drug Program provides assistance in the purchase of pharmaceuticals, and some related medical supplies to residents who quality for benefit coverage. The focus of the program is that residents of the province should not be denied access to health care because of financial need. The NLPDP comprises four programs: Low Income Drug Program, Income Support Drug Program, Senior Citizens Drug Subsidy Program, and the Special Needs Program.

The current budget for the provincial drug program is $127 million.

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Media contact:
Tansy Mundon
Director of Communications
Department of Health and Community Services
709-729-1377, 685-1741

2007 04 04                                                    9:00 a.m.


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