Transportation and Works
April 4, 2007

$2.9 Million Announced for Road Improvements in Lewisporte District

The Williams Administration continues to further its commitment to strengthening the transportation infrastructure throughout rural Newfoundland and Labrador. The Honourable John Hickey, Minister of Transportation and Works, today announced that government will invest $2.9 million for road improvements in the Lewisporte District.

"This announcement, once again, shows government’s ongoing commitment to investing in rural Newfoundland and Labrador and to improving transportation infrastructure throughout the province," said Minister Hickey. "We are making another huge investment of $60 million in our Provincial Roads Improvement Program in the 2007-08 Budget, allowing this department to improve the quality of our roads infrastructure and make our highways safer."

The road improvement projects planned for this year are:

  • Upgrade and pave Route 331, Horwood Road intersection to Holmes Cove;
  • Resurface a section of Route 331-10 through the community of Horwood;
  • Resurface a section of Route 335, Stoneville Road, including upgrades to Harbourview Road Intersection;
  • Address rutting problem on the Trans Canada Highway near Norris Arm.
  • The Honourable Tom Rideout, MHA for Lewisporte District, said: "This announcement represents another huge investment into the roads infrastructure in the Lewisporte area. Much work has been done throughout the district during the last three years, and infrastructure in the Stoneville and Horwood area is next in line to benefit from this government’s massive commitment to the province’s transportation sector. These funds will certainly revitalize the infrastructure in this area, and I am extremely pleased to follow through on my commitment to ensure that the roads in and around these communities receive the necessary upgrades."


    Media contact:
    David Salter
    Director of Communications
    Department of Transportation and Works
    709-729-3015, 691-3577

    2007 04 04                                                     2:40 p.m.


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