January 15, 2007

New Appointments Made to Board of College of the North Atlantic

Three new appointments – a faculty representative and two students – have been made to the Board of Governors at College of the North Atlantic. The new members will work with the existing board to support the college’s mandate to foster regional growth and development and to provide programs of excellence to students across the province.

“As an instructor and community volunteer, Eric King brings a wealth of experience to his role as faculty representative on the board,” said the Honourable Joan Burke, Minister of Education. “Mr. King is a twice-certified journeryperson, and has served on numerous boards and commissions, including president of the Lions Club and fund-raising chair of the Max Simms Camp. He is employed at the Stephenville campus of College of the North Atlantic as a culinary arts instructor, and I am confident Mr. King will successfully bring the voice of the faculty to the board table.”

The minister also announced that two student representatives have been appointed to the board. Andrea Milley and Craig Roberts were nominated by the Council of Student Executives and will each serve for a two-year period. Ms. Milley is president of the Student Council at the Carbonear campus, and is enrolled in the community studies program. Mr. Roberts is president of the Student Representatives Council at the Ridge Road campus and is studying petroleum engineering technology.

With a full complement of members now in place, there is balanced and fair representation on the board, including an effective Labrador voice and a strong female presence – 11 of the 18 members on the board are women.

“I thank each of these individuals for accepting their nominations to the board,” said Minister Burke. “We have made significant investments in College of the North Atlantic this year and I know the faculty, staff and students are excited about the many new initiatives and are eager to see the college grow and prosper. This is a capable, dedicated board that will ensure the college thrives and plays an active role in the social and economic development of the province.”

The role of the Board of Governors is policy formation. Board members set priorities and direction to be achieved by the college.


Media contact:
Jacquelyn Howard
Director of Communications
Department of Education
709-729-0048, 689-2624

2007 01 15                              10:20 a.m.

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