Office of the Chief Electoral Officer
January 18, 2007

By Elections in the Electoral Districts
of Ferryland, Kilbride and Port au Port

The Chief Electoral Officer of Newfoundland and Labrador, Mr. Charles J. Furey, directed the returning officers for Ferryland, Ms. Geraldine Kavanagh; Kilbride, Mr. Steve Knight; and Port au Port, Mr. Gerry Murphy, to conduct the election of members of the House of Assembly. Election day is set for Thursday, February 8, 2007.

Listed below are the number of registered electors on the Preliminary Revised Permanent List of Electors for each of the districts:

Electoral District Registered Electors
Ferryland 8,199
Kilbride 10,626
Port au Port 8,526

The Chief Electoral Office will be updating the voters’ lists for all three districts throughout the by-election period. Individuals are invited to contact the Elections Newfoundland and Labrador Office at 1-877-729-7987 to verify their name and address, or to make changes or corrections to their voter information data.

Contact information for the three returning officers will be published in the Telegram or The Western Star on Saturday, January 20, 2007. If you are interested in working on election day at a polling station in your electoral district, you should forward your resume directly to the returning officer.

Electors will be able to vote on election day, February 8, 2007, or at the advance poll on Saturday, February 3, 2007. An elector who does not wish to go to a polling station may apply to vote by special ballot at the Elections Newfoundland and Labrador Office at 39 Hallett Crescent or by visiting the Web site at

Electors are reminded that, should their name not appear on the voters’ list, they should remember to bring identification that shows their name, current street address and signature to the polling station on election day.

Elections Newfoundland and Labrador is an independent non-partisan office of the House of Assembly.

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Media contact:
Charles J. Furey
Chief Electoral Officer

2007 01 18                                                   2:00 p.m

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