Executive Council
January 19, 2007

Premier Williams Announces Changes to Cabinet

The Honourable Danny Williams, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, today announced several changes to his Cabinet and Parliamentary Secretary responsibilities.

“I am delighted to have a strong team of capable and committed individuals working closely with me in many capacities as we continue to work on every front to lead Newfoundland and Labrador progressively into a new era of opportunity, social justice and sustainable self-reliance,” said Premier Williams. “I wish to thank Paul Shelley for his unwavering commitment and professionalism, his sound advice around the Cabinet table, and his loyal service to the people of this province. And I welcome my new ministers and look forward to their contributions as we continue to work with our caucus in implementing our vision for this province.”

The following portfolios will be under new leadership effective immediately:

Minister of Justice - The Honourable Tom Osborne
Minister of Health and Community Services - The Honourable Ross Wiseman
Minister of Human Resources, Labour and Employment and the Minister responsible for Newfoundland and Labrador Housing - The Honourable Shawn Skinner

The Honourable Tom Rideout who was serving in an acting capacity, has been affirmed as the Attorney General. He will maintain his other portfolios as Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture and Minister responsible for Aboriginal Affairs.

Premier Williams also announced the following:

Parliamentary Assistant to the Premier - Paul Oram
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Human Resources, Labour and Employment – Terry French
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture - Harry Harding


Media contact:
Elizabeth Matthews
Director of Communications
Office of the Premier
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
709-729-3960, 351-1227



Hon. Tom Osborne
Member for St. John’s South
Minister of Justice

Born in St. John’s in 1964, Tom Osborne was educated at Brother Edmund Rice High School and graduated from Cabot College in St. John’s. He worked with Statistics Canada from 1986 to 1990, with Small Business Enterprise from 1990 to 1995, and with the Penney Group of Companies from 1990 until his election in 1996. He was elected in the general elections of 1996, 1999 and 2003. He was elected Opposition Caucus vice-chair, was appointed Parliamentary Assistant to the Leader of the Opposition, and served as Opposition critic for Industry, Trade and Technology, Government Services and Lands, and Environment and Labour. He has also served as a Member of the Public Accounts Committee. Minister Osborne was appointed to Cabinet in November 2003 and served as Minister of Environment from 2003 to 2006. On March 14, 2006, he was appointed Minister of Health and Community Services. On January 19, 2007, he was appointed Minister of Justice. Minister Osborne is married to Yvonne (McGrath) of Placentia and has two daughters Rhiannon and Kate.

Hon. Tom Rideout
Member for Lewisporte
Attorney General; Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture; Minister responsible for Aboriginal Affairs

Veteran MHA and Cabinet Minister Tom Rideout is the province’s Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Minister responsible for Aboriginal Affairs, and Attorney General. He was sworn in as Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture on November 8, 2005, and simultaneously received the portfolio of Deputy Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador and maintained his role of Minister responsible for Aboriginal Affairs. Minister Rideout was first sworn in as Minister responsible for Aboriginal Affairs on November 6, 2003, at which time he was also pointed to the position of the Minister of Transportation and Works (formerly Works, Services and Transportation). This came just 14 days after Minister Rideout was successfully re-elected to represent the people of Lewisporte District, a position he was first elected to in February 1999. In 1994, Minister Rideout enrolled in Law School at the University of Ottawa, and in 1997 graduated with a Baccalaureate of Laws (LL.B.). He articled in St. John’s with Morris, Pittman and Powell and was admitted to the Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador as a Barrister, Solicitor and Notary in June 1998. Minister Rideout served as an associate in the practice of law with Fraize Law Offices. Prior to pursuing law, Minister Rideout served as Leader of the Official Opposition between May 1989 and September 1991, after which he served as a member of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada until 1993. In 1989, he was elected Leader of the Newfoundland and Labrador Progressive Conservative Party, and on March 22, became the province’s fourth Premier since Confederation. He led the government until May 5, 1989, and also held the portfolio of Minister responsible for Intergovernmental Affairs during his tenure as Premier. Prior to becoming Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party, Minister Rideout served in Premier Brian Peckford’s Cabinet as Minister of Fisheries between 1985 and 1989 and Minister of Culture, Recreation and Youth between 1984 and 1985. Minister Rideout entered politics in 1975, representing the people of Baie Verte-White Bay District. He retained this seat in the House of Assembly on four successive occasions, in 1979, 1982, 1985 and 1989. Prior to entering public life, Minister Rideout was a teacher at St. Theresa’s All-Grade School at Fleur de Lys and St. Pius X Central High School at Baie Verte, where he also served as vice-principal. Tom was born and raised in Fleur de Lys. He and his late wife, Jacinta, have four children, Terry, Tina, Margaret and Kara-Lynn.

Hon. Shawn Skinner
Member for St. John’s Centre
Minister of Human Resources, Labour and Employment and Minister responsible for Newfoundland and Labrador Housing

Shawn Skinner was born and raised in the heart of St. John’s, where he attended Holy Cross Junior High and Brother Rice High Schools, followed by studies at Memorial University. Later, he earned a Diploma in Applied Arts from Cabot College, in addition to a Certificate in Adult Education from St. Francis Xavier University. In 1998, he became a member of the Canadian Institute of Management, from which he was granted the Professional Manager designation. This designation denotes a combined academic and practical experience background and is awarded to individuals who successfully meet an established set of criteria that is reflective of high standards of professional integrity, work performance and recognition. For 20 years, he was involved with Keyin College, St. John’s campus, in the capacities of instructor, faculty supervisor, principal, and operator. He has worked with many people in St. John’s over the years and has been a very active member in his community. He has served as a St. John’s Municipal Councillor for Ward 2 and has been involved with various community and volunteer groups, including the following: vice-president of the St. John’s Boys and Girls Club; member of the Royal St. John’s Regatta Committee; president of the Benevolent Irish Society; board member of Friends of Victoria Park; active volunteer with the Canadian Red Cross; volunteer with St. John’s Canada Day Committee; Founding Member of the St. John’s Sports and Entertainment Committee, responsible for Mile One Stadium; and chair of the CNIB Visions Luncheon. He was first elected to the House of Assembly in November 2003. He was appointed Parliamentary Assistant to the Premier on July 5, 2006. On January 19, 2007, he was appointed Minister of Human Resources, Labour and Employment and Minister responsible for Newfoundland and Labrador Housing.

Hon. Ross Wiseman
Member for Trinity North
Minister of Health and Community Services

Ross Wiseman, MHA for Trinity North, was first elected in a by-election on April 25, 2000. Prior to entering political life, he had a successful 15-year career in health administration with the Peninsulas Health Care Corporation and the former Clarenville Area Hospital Board. In addition, he has extensive experience in the financial services industry, having held several branch and regional management positions throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. He has demonstrated a strong volunteer commitment to his community. He is a member of the Clarenville Area Chamber of Commerce. Prior to his election, was chairperson for Bonavista-Trinity-Placentia Integrated and Vista School Board, as well as an executive member and a coach in the Clarenville area minor hockey system and was involved as a leader in the scouting movement. While a Member of the House of Assembly, he has served as the deputy chair of the Public Accounts Committee. He was also appointed in April 2001 to chair the House of Assembly Select Committee to inquire into Bill 9, entitled An Act to Provide for the Recovery of Tobacco Related Health Care Costs. In 2005, he also chaired the public consultations on the “Smoking Ban in Bars and Bingo Halls” resulting in a new Act entitled the Smoke Free Environment Act (2005). On September 26, 2001, he was appointed the Opposition critic for Health and Community Services. Following his victory in the general election in the district of Trinity North on October 21, 2003, he was appointed Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health and Community Services on November 6, 2003 and was confirmed in that role in the departmental restructuring on February 20, 2004. He was sworn in as the Member for Trinity North on November 12, 2003. He chaired the Provincial Advisory Council on Aging and Seniors and in that capacity chaired the Public Consultations on Healthy Aging, a process to assist the government in developing a Provincial Healthy Aging Plan. On January 19, 2007, he was appointed Minister of Health and Community Services. Along with his wife Sandra, he continues to reside in the district of Trinity North.

Parliamentary Secretaries

Terry French
Member for Conception Bay South
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Human Resources, Labour and Employment

First elected in a by-election on November 12, 2002 to succeed his father, Bob, who passed away while in office, Terry French has previously served as the Intergovernmental Affairs critic for the Official Opposition, as critic for Government Services and Lands and as the Parliamentary Assistant to Opposition Leader Danny Williams. From 1997 to 2002, he served as executive assistant to St. John’s East Member of Parliament Norman Doyle. Mr. French was a graduate of Queen Elizabeth High School in Foxtrap in 1984. He subsequently attended Memorial University until joining his father in a family business in 1986. He has strong involvement in the community, particularly in community sports. He served as a member of the Board of Governors of the Conception Bay South Sports Hall of Fame, a volunteer in the Summer Games in Conception Bay South, a Conception Bay South Minor Softball Coach, a member of the Conception Bay South Softball Umpire Association, and a Level 4 Umpire working at the National Softball Tournament. Mr. French is married to Denise (Butt) and they have one daughter, Abbey. Mr. French was appointed Parliamentary Assistant to the Premier on November 6, 2003. He was sworn in as the Member for Conception Bay South on November 12, 2003. On January 19, 2007, he was appointed Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Human Resources, Labour and Employment

Harry Harding
Member for Bonavista North
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture

First elected to the House of Assembly in 2002, Harry Harding was re-elected as the Member for Bonavista North in 2003. Originally from Greenspond, he attended Bishop’s College in St. John’s, Gander District Vocational School, and Memorial University. For the past 29 years, Mr. Harding and his wife Abbie have lived in Badger’s Quay. They have two children, Jamie and Patty. Immediately prior to being elected to the House, Mr. Harding was employed as resource manager with Beothic Fish Processors Ltd. in Valleyfield for 14 years. He has also worked as a town clerk/manager for 15 years with the rural district of Badger’s Quay-Valleyfield-Pool’s Island. He also worked as a payroll clerk/office manager with St. Lawrence Construction at Churchill Falls and Labrador City, as a teacher at Greenspond and Wareham, as a plant worker with Fishery Products International and as a labourer with Fishermen’s Union Trading Company in Greenspond. Mr. Harding has been very active in community life, having served with distinction as a volunteer in many organizations, including with Lions, Badger’s Quay Fire Department, Cape Freels Development Association and Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Municipal Administrators. Awards he has received include the Melvin Jones Fellow (the highest award from the International Association of Lions Clubs). On March 14, 2006, he was appointed to serve as the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Human Resources, Labour and Employment. On January 19, 2007, he was appointed to serve as the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture.

Paul Oram
Member for Terra Nova
Parliamentary Assistant to the Premier

Paul Oram, son of Dawson and Elizabeth Oram, Glovertown, completed primary and high school education at Glovertown. As well, he completed a business management program. Mr. Oram married Karen (Greenham) and has two daughters. He is a successful business entrepreneur; he co-founded and was a partner in D & P Quality Builders Ltd., and he established Oram’s Funeral Home and Birchview Manor. Mr. Oram has been very involved with local community issues; he has served on the Health and Community Board (Central), was deputy mayor of Glovertown and served on numerous church boards. He was elected to the House of Assembly as MHA. for the District of Terra Nova on October 21, 2003. On February 2, 2005, he was appointed to chair the province’s Red Tape Reduction Task Force. On May 31, 2005, he was appointed by Premier Williams to serve on the province’s Business Advisory Board. On January 19, 2007, he was appointed to serve as the Parliamentary Assistant to the Premier.

2007 01 19                                                           11:15 a.m.

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