Executive Council
January 19, 2007

Premier Williams Announces Date for Humber Valley By-election

The Honourable Danny Williams, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, today announced that a by-election will be held Monday, February 12, 2007, in the district of Humber Valley. Earlier today, Kathy Goudie, Member of the House of Assembly for that district, announced that she is resigning from provincial politics effective today.

"First of all, I would like to thank Ms. Goudie for her service to the people of Humber Valley and her contribution to our government,” said Premier Williams. “Anyone who has been involved in politics knows that it is not an easy life and that much personal sacrifice and dedication is required. I thank Kathy for her hard work and commitment to serving the people of her district and the province as a whole, and I wish her all the best as she returns to private life.”

The Premier added that given there are three by-elections ongoing, the most efficient way to proceed is to have the Humber Valley by-election held as close as possible to those other three being held in the districts of Kilbride, Ferryland and Port au Port.

“The people of Humber Valley deserve to have representation as soon as possible, and on February 12 they will have the opportunity to vote for new representation in the House of Assembly," added Premier Williams. “As I said earlier this week, our government remains committed to ensuring that we do not have prolonged periods of vacancy in the House of Assembly, as there is nothing more important in a democracy that elected representation. I look forward to a spirited campaign and encourage all residents to exercise their democratic right on February 12.”

The Williams Government amended the House of Assembly Act in 2004 to ensure by-elections are announced within 60 days and conducted within 90 days of vacancy.


Media contact:
Elizabeth Matthews
Director of Communications
Office of the Premier
709-729-3960 or 351-1227

2007 01 19                                               3:25 p.m.

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