Innovation, Trade and Rural Development
January 18, 2007

Northern Peninsula Business Group Receives Funding to Develop Export Strategies

A business network group on the Northern Peninsula has received funding for export development initiatives. The Northern Peninsula Business Network’s 10 member companies will use the funding to hire an export consultant and plan a major conference for the area.

“The Northern Peninsula Business Network is a dynamic and dedicated group of people that jointly employ close to 400 full-time and seasonal workers and represent some of the most successful manufacturing companies in the region,” said the Honourable Trevor Taylor, Minister of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development. “I think it is appropriate for government to provide encouragement to business leaders in rural areas to create jobs.”

The network has received $25,000 from the department’s Business and Market
Development Program. The funding will help retain a consultant to write export plans for each of the member companies, and help defray the costs of organizing a major conference, Embracing Innovation through Investment, to be held in Corner Brook on February 22 – 24, 2007.

The Northern Peninsula Business Network is a non-profit organization without staff or premises. Since its inception in 2000, the network has successfully pursued a number of initiatives to improve productivity and increase its markets including training in lean manufacturing, visits to manufacturers in other provinces, and a fact-finding mission to Greenland. This new initiative will ensure that all member companies of the network are export ready.

The Business and Market Development Program is designed to provide new entrepreneurs and expanding small businesses with funding to help them acquire the necessary expertise to pursue new business ideas and new markets for their products or services. The $1 million program is intended to support new growth opportunities in the economy, such as value-added manufacturing activities and export-oriented opportunities.


Media contact:
Lynn Evans
Director of Communications
Department of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development
709-729-4570, 690-6290

2007 01 18                                                11:05 a.m.

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