Innovation, Trade and Rural Development
Tourism, Culture and Recreation

and Aboriginal Affairs
January 18, 2007 

Labrador Organizations Receive More Than $90,000 for Development Projects 

Two organizations from Labrador are taking advantage of the Department of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development’s Regional/Sectoral Diversification Fund to enhance tourism opportunities and generate increased revenues for their areas. 

“These projects will provide improved infrastructure that will enhance the Battle Harbour and Straits areas,” said the Honourable Trevor Taylor, Minister of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development.  “The projects have the capability to generate new revenue and highlight the diverse tourism industry of southern Labrador.” 

Mary's Harbour Town Council has been given $75,752 to undertake major improvements to the ferry site servicing tourists and the historical Battle Harbour site.  The funds are being used to construct a parking lot to accommodate 30 vehicles, remove the existing dock and construct a floating dock, and renovate the existing Grenfell building.  This project will alleviate the congestion on the town wharf, and give tourists improved access to the Battle Harbour site.  Eight short-term jobs and one permanent seasonal position will be created. The improvements are scheduled for completion in July 2007. 

The Labrador Straits Historical Society is using $18,515 to prepare a concept and development plan for a walking trail system extending from the Quebec-Labrador border to Red Bay, specifically from L=anse au Clair to Red Bay.  The inclusion of interpretative signage and a series of road-side sites to serve as entry points for the trail will be part of the design plan.  It is anticipated the completion of the trail system will keep tourists in the region longer and provide visitors with a greater overall experience.  The project will take approximately eight months to complete, and complements the Labrador Straits Development Corporation’s tourism strategy for the area. 

“What we have here are tremendous examples of projects that assist in creating and developing those diverse opportunities that continue to draw tourists to Labrador,” said the Honourable Tom Hedderson, Tourism, Culture and Recreation Minister.  “This funding will assist in continuing efforts to provide the Labrador tourist with a unique and enriching travel experience.” 

The Honourable John Hickey, Minister of Transportation and Works and Minister Responsible for Labrador Affairs, applauds government’s ongoing commitment to Labrador. 

“The Williams Government has invested in Labrador like no other administration,” said Minister Hickey.  “We recognize Labrador’s untapped potential and announcements such as these clearly illustrate we are continuing to do our part to ensure its prosperity.” 

The Regional/Sectoral Diversification Fund is a $5 million fund of the Department of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development and a component of the province’s Comprehensive Regional Diversification Strategy.  The fund provides non-repayable contributions to economic development agencies for initiatives that address regional and sectoral development and diversification. 


Media contacts:  

Lynn Evans
Director of Communications
Department of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development
709-729-4570, 690-6290


John Tompkins

Director of Communications

Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation

709-729-0928, 728-7762 

David Salter
Director of Communications

709-729-3015, 691-3577 


 2007 01 18                                                        12:55 p.m.

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