Natural Resources
January 19, 2007

Minister Pleased With Progress on LNG Proposal

A proposal to build a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) transshipment facility near Arnold’s Cove is progressing to a new stage and that’s good news for the province’s energy industry and rural Newfoundland and Labrador.

"We're happy to see this proposal has addressed some important environmental considerations,” said the Honourable Kathy Dunderdale, Minister of Natural Resources. “We recognize the company needs to do more environmental work to get this proposal to the construction phase, but we are encouraged by today’s announcement.”

The Honourable Clyde Jackman, Minister of Environment and Conservation, announced earlier today he has released the Newfoundland LNG Limited proposal from further environmental assessment subject to three conditions: the proponents must submit acceptable Employment Equity and Environmental Protection Plans as well as a Risk Assessment Study.

The federal government continues to evaluate the proposal under the federal environmental assessment process.

“The proposed LNG project recognizes the province’s unique strategic location and the technical know-how of our people,” said Minister Dunderdale. “It’s another testament to our history of successful petroleum projects in Newfoundland and Labrador, especially in this rural part of the province.”

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Media contact:
Corey Snook
Communications and Marketing Manager
709-729-5777, 728-2837

2007 01 19                                               4:00 p.m.

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