Environment and Conservation
February 5, 2007

Environmental Assessment Bulletin

The Honourable Clyde Jackman, Minister of Environment and Conservation, has announced the following events relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.


Lower Churchill River Hydroelectric Generation Project                                  (Reg. 1305)
Proponent: Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro

On January 26, the minister required that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) be prepared to address environmental issues related to the undertaking. As required by the Environmental Protection Act, the minister has now appointed an assessment committee with representation from the following government agencies:

  • Department of Environment and Conservation:
    • Environmental Assessment Division – Committee Chair
    • Water Resources Management Division
    • Wildlife Division
  • Department of Natural Resources:
    • Energy Branch
    • Forestry Branch
    • Mines Branch
  • Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation:
    • Cultural Heritage, Archaeology Section
    • Tourism Section
  • Department of Industry, Trade, and Rural Development'
  • Department of Human Resources, Labour and Employment,
  • Department of Education
  • Women’s Policy Office
  • Department of Municipal Affairs,
  • Labrador and Aboriginal Affairs,
  • Department of Business,
  • Department of Health and Community Services,
  • Environment Canada,
  • Fisheries and Oceans Canada,
  • Transport Canada.

The committee will develop the guidelines which will highlight the environmental issues to be addressed in the EIS. The draft guidelines will be made available to the public for comment before being approved by the minister. The proponent is required to submit the EIS which will be available for public review. For further information on this project, contact the assessment committee chairperson, Paul Carter, at (709) 729-0188 or e-mail at pcarter@gov.nl.ca


St. John’s (Northern Pond Road) Motor Sport Park (Resubmission)                        (Reg. 1272)
Proponent: X-treme Promotions Inc.

The minister has issued final guidelines for the Environmental Preview Report (EPR) for the above undertaking. The proponent is now required to prepare the EPR and submit the document for review by the assessment committee and the public. The guidelines are available and may be accessed on the department’s Web site or by contacting the chair of the assessment committee, Pat Marrie, at (709) 729-2813 or e-mail at pmarrie@gov.nl.ca


Tors Cove Farm                                                    (Reg 1310)
Proponent: B & R Farming

The proponent proposes to develop a 72 hectare farm at nick's rock area in Tors Cove for the purposes of establishing pasture land; growing vegetables, fruit trees, different types of berries; and the husbandry of sheep and cattle. A barn will be constructed measuring approximately 15 metres by 45 metres, roads will be upgraded and brush will be cleared. Heavy equipment will be used to clear the land. It is anticipated that the development of the farm will take approximately 6 to 10 years to complete. The undertaking was registered on February 5, 2007; public comments are due by March 12, 2007; and the minister's decision is due by March 19, 2007.

The minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Comments on submitted documents are invited from the public, addressed in writing to the minister and are welcome prior to the deadline date shown.


Long Harbour Commercial Nickel Processing Plant                                  (Reg 1243)
Proponent: Voisey’s Bay Nickel Company Limited

The minister has accepted the historic resources component study for the Long Harbour Commercial Nickel Processing Plant environmental impact statement.


Holyrood to St. John’s Snowmobile Trail (Resubmission)                            (Reg. 1308)
Proponent: Eastern Trailriders

The minister has released the above project from further environmental assessment, subject to the following condition:

  • The proponent must, in consultation with the Wildlife Division of this department, conduct a botanical survey of the proposed trail route. The conducted plant survey must be made available to the Wildlife Division in order to discuss appropriate mitigation measures.

Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-4211 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:

Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment and Conservation
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6

Environmental assessment information is on the government Web site at http://www.gov.nl.ca/env


2007 02 05                                   3:55 p.m.

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