Health and Community Services
February 7, 2007

Minister Provides Update on MCP Re-registration

Over 80 per cent of the population has applied to re-register for their new MCP card. The Honourable Ross Wiseman, Minister of Health and Community Services, today provided an update on the re-registration of the province’s Medical Care Plan (MCP).

“Over 440,000 individuals have applied to re-register for their new MCP card and over 330,000 new cards have been issued to date,” said Minister Wiseman. “This demonstrates a tremendous response to this initiative and I thank the people of our province for their cooperation. However, there are still between 65,000 and 75,000 people who have not sent in their re-registration forms.”

While the majority of applications are processed within 30 days, some applications are incomplete, or completed with information which is inconsistent with the MCP database, such as a date of birth written incorrectly or a change in name which was not reported to MCP. “If individuals have not received their card, they will be contacted by MCP for additional information in the near future,” said Minister Wiseman.

“To re-register the entire population of our province is a significant undertaking,” said Minister Wiseman. “With over 500,000 residents in Newfoundland and Labrador, it is inevitable that we will find inconsistencies in application forms with regard to dates of birth and correct names. Sorting out these inconsistencies is an essential part of the re-registration process. So, I ask for the public’s patience as we process the large volume of applications.”

“I want to reassure the public that no eligible resident of the province will be denied coverage of their health care services while their applications are being processed.” said Minister Wiseman. “Their old MCP card will be valid until they receive a new one. And, I encourage those residents who have not submitted their application to do so as soon as possible.”

Government launched the re-registration of the province’s Medical Care Plan (MCP) in May 2006. There is no charge for residents of the province to receive a new MCP card, nor will there be a charge upon renewal of the MCP card.

The new cards have an expiry date to ensure that the Department of Health and Community Services is able to maintain a current and accurate MCP database which ensures that only residents of Newfoundland and Labrador are entitled to coverage of health care services under the MCP. This feature comes in response to the Auditor General’s 2003 recommendations to strengthen controls over the registration process, improve security of MCP cards and provide an accountable mechanism for monitoring of the MCP database. At that time, the Auditor General reported an estimated 80,000 more beneficiary numbers issued than there were residents in the province.

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Media contact:
Tara Furlong
Communications Specialist
Department of Health and Community Services
709-729-2888, 727-2701

2007 02 07                                               9:15 a.m.

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