Health and Community Services
February 8, 2007

Government Announces Consultations on Health Information Act

The Provincial Government is asking for public input into draft legislation that will govern the collection, use and disclosure of personal health information as well as give individuals the right to access their own information and ask to have their information corrected. To provide the public the opportunity to have input, the Honourable Ross Wiseman, Minister of Health and Community Services, today released a consultation paper on the proposed legislation entitled An Act to Provide Individuals with Access to and Protection of Personal Health Information.

“Health information is perhaps the most sensitive and confidential information to an individual and the protection of personal health information is of paramount importance to our government,” said Minister Wiseman. “That’s why our government is moving forward with this legislation and seeking input from members of the public to create a meaningful piece of legislation for the protection of health information.”

The consultation paper identifies the key elements included in the proposed legislation including; the collection, use, safeguarding and disclosure of personal health information, as well as maintaining the accuracy of information and enabling individuals to access their own personal health records. Consent of individuals is also included. Input is being sought from the general public, especially individuals who use the provincial health and community services system, health professionals or administrators who maintain personal information and researchers.

“Clear, consistent rules on the gathering, maintaining and sharing of health information is vital to the operation of the health and community services system,” said Minister Wiseman. “Enabling the flow of information, with appropriate safeguards, will support effective health care and the efficient management of the health care system.”

Individuals interested in participating in the consultation process can visit to view the consultation document and provide responses to questions posed in the document online. Responses and comments can also be submitted via e-mail to or by mail to Reginald Coates, Director, Legislative and Regulatory Affairs, Department of Health and Community Services, Confederation Building, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6. All comments must be submitted to the Department by March 7, 2007.

In addition to the opportunity for public input, targeted stakeholder consultations on the proposed legislation were conducted between November 2006 and January 2007.

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Media contact:
Tara Furlong
Communications Specialist
Department of Health and Community Services
709-729-2888, 727-2701

2007 02 08                                        1:30 p.m.

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