Tourism, Culture and Recreation
February 9, 2007

Media Advisory: Canada Games Athletes Rally for West Coast Athletes

An athlete’s rally and breakfast for west coast participants in the upcoming Canada Winter Games will take place at the Corner Brook Pepsi Centre Annex Saturday, February 10 from 10 a.m. until noon. The rally will feature a parade of athletes and a distribution of Canada Games clothing.

The rally is open to athletes, coaches, managers, attendants and mission staff members as well as parents and spouses.

The 2007 Canada Winter Games will take place February 23 to March 10 in Whitehorse, Yukon.


Media contact:
John Tompkins
Director of Communications
Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation
709-729-0928, 728-7762

2007 02 09                                     10:25 a.m.

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