March 22, 2007

Media Advisory: Business Minister to Provide
Opening Remarks to 42nd Annual Business Day

The Honourable Kevin O’Brien, Minister of Business, will bring opening remarks to the 42nd Annual Business Day tomorrow (Friday, March 23) at the Fairmont Hotel, St. John’s at 8:30 a.m.

Business Day 2007 is organized by undergraduate students of the Faculty of Business Administration at Memorial University. Soaring to Success is the theme of this year’s event, with Sean Durfy, president of WestJet and a native of Newfoundland and Labrador, as the luncheon guest speaker.

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Media contact:
Jennifer Dalton
Director of Communications
Department of Business
709-729-7628, 693-2655

2007 03 22                                            1:00 p.m.


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