March 22, 2007

The following statement was issued by the Honourable Joan Burke, Minister of Education. It was also read in the House of Assembly:

Professional Development Pilot for Board Trustees

Today I am pleased to inform my honourable colleagues about a pilot training program for school board trustees across our province. The Department of Education and the Newfoundland and Labrador School Boards Association have partnered on a professional development opportunity for all school board trustees in each of the five school districts.

The Newfoundland and Labrador School Boards Association approached the Department of Education for support with this important initiative. They stressed the need for training that would allow the board members to better perform their duties. The Department of Education agreed this project is a beneficial and worthwhile opportunity for our elected volunteer school board trustees. School board members and school boards play a key role in the development of our education system, our communities and our children.

The Department of Education has been working closely with the School Boards Association to develop four specific training modules. Topics include governance, policy development, the School’s Act, 1997 and communications. The modules were presented to schools board representatives prior to implementation and the content was extremely well received by all.

Training sessions are currently being delivered throughout the province and are expected to wrap up mid summer. An investment of $35,000 will see school board trustees receive professional development training to enhance their understanding and performance of their duties.

This year as well, government created a school council liaison position to work directly with school councils in the province. This position provides support to the volunteer work of parents. I would like to take this opportunity today to report that the positive feedback to this initiative has been tremendous. In addition, a revised school council handbook is in the final stages of development and will be delivered to school councils across the province.

School council members and school board trustees give freely of their time and expertise to the education of our young people. Providing professional development and support are important initiatives that recognize the critical role these volunteers play in the development of our education system.

2007 03 22                                             1:50 p.m.

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