Government Services
March 20, 2007

Rural Labrador Symposium Will Shed Light on Health and Safety in the Workplace

An occupational health and safety workshop and symposium taking place this week in Port Hope Simpson is the first of its kind to occur in rural Labrador. Shining a Light on Health and Safety in Southern Labrador is specifically tailored for residents of the Labrador coast to discuss such issues as strategies to promote access to workplace health and safety services and training.

"The Department of Government Services, through the Occupational Health and Safety Branch, is proud to be a sponsor of this symposium," said the Honourable Dianne Whalen, Minister of Government Services. "Through funding received from creative sentencing, we are providing $4,000 for this symposium because we recognize the significance and importance of holding such a valuable event in rural Newfoundland and Labrador. Creative sentencing is imposed by a judge following a successful prosecution of actions in contravention of appropriate acts or regulations. It is a great way to put funding back into communities to help raise awareness around the importance of workplace health and safety."

Over the course of three days, participants will attend workshops offered by the Occupational Health and Safety Branch of the Department of Government Services and the Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission. Sessions on occupational health and safety (OHS) research in this province and on available health and safety training programs will be highlighted as well as ways to improve prevention of injuries and occupational disease. There is also a targeted youth program.

The Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission is pleased to support this fantastic opportunity financially and by providing speakers who are experts in occupational health and safety, claims management and medical management. In addition, the Commission will cover the travel costs for members of FINALY! - Futures in Newfoundland and Labrador Youth - to attend the symposium and meet with youth from 10 coastal communities. The objective is to speak to youth about their rights and responsibilities as new workers in the workplace.

"The Commission is delighted to be involved in another exciting and dynamic partnership opportunity with SafetyNet and our newest youth partner FINALY!," says Joe O'Neill, the Commission's Chief Executive Officer.

Barbara Neis, co-director of SafetyNet and organizer of the Labrador symposium said it is a key activity in SafetyNet’s Public Health Agency of Canada-funded project on developing a community-based approach to occupational health for shellfish processors. The Labrador symposium is unique in that it is open to all employers, health and safety committee representatives, health professionals and youth on the south coast.

"This openness is our response to input from our community partners who told us that on the Labrador coast, OHS challenges were not unique to the shellfish processing sector," said Ms. Neis. "In addition to providing a broad range of OHS awareness sessions, the symposium will give participants an opportunity to look for ways to ensure sustained access to appropriate OHS training and expertise in this and other remote areas of the province. The rich program reflects the tremendous investment of our steering committee members from the Coast and from government, the Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission and other groups to this collaborative project."

The Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture also made a contribution of $4,000 for this symposium as an investment to identify and minimize the occupational hazards of workers employed in shellfish processing operations.

The Honourable John Hickey, Minister of Transportation and Works and minister responsible for Labrador Affairs, is fully supportive of this symposium as well. "I must commend Barbara Neis and SafetyNet for organizing this rural Labrador occupational health and safety symposium and for bringing this valuable information to the Labrador coast for the first time," said Minister Hickey. "Occupational Health and Safety is an issue I take very seriously and I encourage others to do so as well. Hopefully, we will see similar symposiums held in other parts of Labrador too because these issues are relevant to all areas of our province."

Shining a Light on Health and Safety in Southern Labrador Workshop and Symposium continues until Thursday, March 22 at the Alexis Hotel in Port Hope Simpson.

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Media contact:

Vanessa Colman-Sadd
Director of Communications
Department of Government Services
709-729-4860, 682-6593 

2007 03 20                                            11:05 a.m.

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