Human Resources, Labour and Employment
March 21, 2007

Government Launches Provincial Immigration Strategy

The Williams government today launched the province’s first immigration strategy. Diversity ~ Opportunity and Growth is a strategy to significantly increase the attraction and retention of immigrants to the province. Government is committing $6 million over the next three years to implement the strategy.

The announcement was made at The Rooms by the Honourable Shawn Skinner, Minister of Human Resources, Labour and Employment.

"The primary objective of the immigration strategy is to foster economic development," said Minister Skinner. "Immigrants spur opportunities for business investment in our communities, bring needed skills to the labour market and open new connections to markets around the world."

The most significant initiative within Diversity ~ Opportunity and Growth is the establishment of the Office of Immigration and Multiculturalism within the Department of Human Resources, Labour and Employment.

"This office – to be established at a cost of $4.1 million over the three years – will promote the province to prospective immigrants, implement retention measures, and enhance settlement and integration services," said Minister Skinner.

On average, Canada attracts 250,000 new immigrants a year. Annually, Newfoundland and Labrador receives approximately 450 immigrants and of these, the province retains approximately 36 per cent. The new immigration strategy has firm targets to, within five years, triple the number of immigrants and double the retention rate.

"Other jurisdictions in Canada and around the world are aggressively pursuing increased levels of immigration to counter the impact of aging populations and low birth rates," said Minister Skinner. "We have our own unique advantages to offer – a quality of life second to none in this country, a natural environment the envy of the world, and most importantly a welcoming society and strong sense of shared community."

The remaining $1.9 million of the $6 million three-year strategy is provided to support immigration initiatives within the departments of Education and Health and Community Services, and the Women’s Policy Office.

Minister Skinner further stated the elements of the strategy include 18 tangible and practical goals designed to increase and strengthen the role of immigration in the province. From extending MCP coverage to international students, to expanding English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) training, to strengthening the Provincial Nominee Program, the strategy is focused, comprehensive and accountable for results, the minister noted.

"The strategy is clearly needed; this government recognizes the challenges arising from changes in the make-up of our population. We are aging rapidly with fewer children being born," said Minister Skinner. "We need people if we are to grow the province, attract investment and address rapidly emerging skill shortages in the economy. Our long-term prosperity as Newfoundlanders and Labradorians must include measures to attract and retain a greater share of the total number of immigrants who choose Canada as their new home."

Diversity ~Opportunity and Growth is the result of extensive community consultation and collaboration. Immigrants, business and labour organizations, educational institutions, municipalities, regional economic development agencies, and community-based organizations from around the province participated in the various stakeholder sessions and the provincial immigration symposium.

"I appreciate the thoughtful advice and recommendations provided to government by the people of the province in the development of our province’s immigration strategy" said Minister Skinner. "This is truly a provincial strategy; its success is dependent on government and its community partners continuing to work together to achieve our immigration goals."

Diversity ~ Opportunity and Growth can be found at For a hard copy call 709-729-6607or e-mail


Media contact:

Ed Moriarity

Director of Communications

Department of Human Resources, Labour and Employment

709-729-4062, 728-9623


There are direct benefits associated with immigration. Immigrants help to stimulate economic growth within communities when they establish businesses and employ local residents. Immigrants bring new thinking, innovation and creativity to directly benefit local economies. Immigrants offer a wealth of connections to the global marketplace and can open doors for Newfoundland and Labrador business. Immigrant physicians continue to have a strong presence in health care especially in rural areas of the province. Immigrants also bring their culture, food, music and art, all of which enriches a shared experience for residents of the province.

Diversity ~Opportunity and Growth focuses on the following elements:

Build awareness of the province with prospective immigrants;

Increase immigrant attraction by promoting the province;

Place a strong focus on developing welcoming communities;

Increase immigrant integration and retention services,

Encourage international students to remain in the province;

Enhance the Provincial Nominee Program;

Link to existing provincial innovation, cultural and regional diversification strategies;

Implement measures to increase francophone immigration;

Establish clear targets and a single provincial government office for immigration;

Work with key community partners; and,

Ensure accountability and report regularly on results.

There are 18 goals associated with the provincial immigration strategy.

Goal 1: To increase awareness of the benefits of immigration and the role it can play in a community’s economic, social and cultural development.

Goal 2: To increase awareness among potential immigrants to Canada of the benefits of choosing Newfoundland and Labrador as their new home.

Goal 3: To encourage Newfoundlanders and Labradorians to welcome immigrants into their communities and celebrate cultural diversity.

Goal 4: To increase and enhance settlement and integration services in the province aimed at increasing retention of immigrants.

Goal 5: To provide improved educational services for K-12 English as a Second Language (ESL) students across the province.

Goal 6: To ensure the availability of Enhanced Language Training (ELT) and English as a Second Language (ESL) programs for immigrant adults.

Goal 7: To reduce barriers to recognition of international credentials and competencies.

Goal 8: To address gender-related issues identified by immigrant women in the province.

Goal 9: To support physician recruitment and retention initiatives.

Goal 10: To ensure that immigrants to the province are aware of their workplace rights and responsibilities in relation to the Labour Standards legislation.

Goal 11: To ensure that existing government policies and programs do not create barriers for immigrants in the province.

Goal 12: To increase enrollment of post-secondary international students.

Goal 13: To increase retention of international students upon graduation from our institutions.

Goal 14: To increase immigration levels by enhancing the use of the Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Nominee Program.

Goal 15: To support the efforts of the Provincial Innovation Strategy, the Regional Diversification Strategy, the Cultural Industries Strategy and the Tourism Development Strategy.

Goal 16: To increase the number of Francophone immigrants to the province.

Goal 17: To increase the number of immigrants to Newfoundland and Labrador and to improve the retention rate of those who arrive in the province.

Goal 18: To engage key partners in the implementation of the provincial immigration strategy.

2007 03 21 12:00 noon



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