Health and Community Services
April 20, 2007

Government Supports Wellness Through Active Schools Program

Government has awarded $50,000 to the School of Human Kinetics at Memorial University to implement an Active Schools program in four rural schools in eastern Newfoundland and Labrador. The Honourable Ross Wiseman, Minister of Health and Community Services, presented the funding to project leader, Dr. Antony Card, today at Random Island Academy. The funding was provided through the Provincial Wellness Grants Program.

"It is essential that we educate and promote healthy living among our children to protect their health now and help instil lifelong healthy habits that will positively impact them for years to come," said Minister Wiseman. "In addition to supporting wellness for the students in these four schools, this project will result in a wellness model which we can implement in other schools throughout rural areas of our province."

In partnership with the Eastern School District and Eastern Health, the School of Human Kinetics at Memorial University will implement an Active Schools program in four rural schools - Coley’s Point Primary, Matthew Elementary in Bonavista, Random Island Academy, and Sacred Heart Elementary in Marystown.

The program provides support, resources and training to teachers as they allocate 20 minutes for daily physical activity in their classes. The aim of the program is to increase the overall health of students in the four schools and to create a model for developing coordinated school health programs that are appropriate for rural Newfoundland and Labrador.

"The Department of Education has invested $2.4 million in new physical education equipment in schools across the province," said the Honourable Joan Burke, Minister of Education. "We encourage young people to engage in fun physical activities that will contribute to more healthy, active lives. Investing in our students’ well-being is an investment in our future."

Statistics show that one in four children in Newfoundland and Labrador is overweight or obese, to which diet and inactivity are major contributing factors. Obesity in childhood increases the risk for obesity in adulthood and Type II Diabetes. This active living project draws on the experience and recommendations of similar projects in Newfoundland and Labrador as well as other jurisdictions where the program resulted in improved overall health for the students involved.

Government released the Provincial Wellness Plan in March 2005 and invested $3.7 million in Budget 2006 to implement the plan. Phase I is currently being implemented and focuses on healthy eating, physical activity, tobacco control, and injury prevention. This is being done through strengthened partnerships, public awareness, health promotion and evaluation. Phase II will consider other wellness priority areas such as mental health promotion, child and youth development, environmental health and health protection.

The Provincial Wellness Grants Program was initiated in March 2006 when 24 community groups and organizations received a total of $695,000 to promote the benefits of healthy eating, physical activity, injury prevention and tobacco control. The program builds on the existing Community Grants Program of the Regional Wellness Coalitions and allows for the development of larger regional and provincial programs and initiatives which address the wellness priorities.

In addition to the Provincial Wellness Grants Program, other key initiatives of the Provincial Wellness Plan introduced to date include Healthy Students, Healthy Schools, new School Food Guidelines, a Provincial Food and Nutrition Framework and a new wellness television campaign. Additional information on the Provincial Wellness Plan and healthy living can be obtained at:

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Media contact:
Tansy Mundon
Director of Communications
Department of Health and Community Services
709-729-1377, 685-1741

2007 04 20                                                  1:35 p.m.


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