Human Resources, Labour and Employment
April 20, 2007

Graduates Find Success by Makin’ It Work!

A new and innovative employability skills and experience training program, Makin’ it Work, is providing opportunities in the hospitality sector for its participants.

"Increased self-reliance and engagement in today’s labour market through both classroom and workplace training are just some of the benefits of the Makin’ it Work program," said the Honourable Shawn Skinner, Minister of Human Resources, Labour and Employment. "This is a creative and focused approach to helping people enhance their employability."

Makin’ it Work provides an individual in receipt of income support with the opportunity to pursue a career in housekeeping within the hotel industry. The program features a combination of in-class instruction in relevant skills, two hospitality industry certifications, on-the-job training, practical work experience, life skills and supports, and, upon completion, a guaranteed job interview. It is a practical and direct approach to employment that can be adapted to other sectors of the economy experiencing skill shortages.

A ceremony was held Thursday evening to recognize the accomplishments of the first 14 graduates of the new five-week education-to-employment program. Ten have already moved forward and secured employment as a result of their participation.

"I am pleased to extend congratulations to the graduates and express thanks to our community and employer partners, the Community Centre Alliance, Fortis Properties and Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador, for their commitment and energy in making this program a success," said Minister Skinner.

The program is hosted by the Community Centre Alliance, a non-profit, community-based organization that brings together the five community centres in the St. John’s area.

"This program gives participants an opportunity to learn new skills and to celebrate their courage. We commend our partners, the Department of Human Resources, Labour and Employment, Fortis Properties, and Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador for their collective leadership and dedication," said Amy Percy, general manager of the Community Centre Alliance.

Fortis Properties, through its Delta St. John’s and Holiday Inn St. John’s hotels, provided the venues and resources to assist with the planning, coaching, and supervision of the on-the-job training portion of the program. Upon completion, the company was able to hire qualified candidates from the program.

"From our perspective, the Makin’ It Work program has been a great success," said Nora Duke, vice-president, hospitality services with Fortis Properties. "It has made a real contribution to the community and the participants of the program and we were also able to provide our employees with the opportunity to showcase their career successes through interaction with the program participants."

"Hospitality Newfoundland Labrador is extremely pleased to have partnered with Fortis Properties, the Community Centre Alliance and the Department of Human Resources, Labour and Employment in moving forward with this worthwhile and rewarding program," said Bruce Sparkes, president of Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador. "We believe that frontline staff are the heart and soul of the hospitality business in our province; industry education and training are the key to its ongoing success."

Government support for Makin’ it Work reflects a strong commitment to implement measures to reduce poverty by helping people find work in today’s labour market. Another 10 individuals will begin their Makin’ it Work journey on April 23.


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Media contacts:

Ed Moriarity
Director of Communications
Department of Human Resources,
Labour and Employment
709-729-4062, 728-9623

Amy Percy
General Manager
Community Centre Alliance
709-753-8891, 753-5670

Gail Tucker
Corporate Communications
Fortis Properties

Carol-Ann Gilliard
Manager of Policy and Communications
Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador
709-722-2224, ext. 22 

2007 04 20                                                       2:10 p.m.


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