Fisheries and Aquaculture
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The Department provides a range of services and administers several programs such as fisheries development, marketing, vessels, facilities and aquaculture.  

Select one of the options below for additional information.






Baited Trawl Holding Unit Program 

Fisheries Diversification Program

Fisheries Loan Guarantee Program

Marine Service Centre/Facilities

Northern Labrador Plants Program

Seal Research and Development

Trade Show Development Program



Aquaculture Innovation Program

Human Resources Development

Marketing Intelligence Program

Working Capital Loan Guarantee

Capital Investment Program


Industrial Engineering and Technical
Market Research and Market
On-Board Quality
Product Development

Productivity Enhancement
Quality Enhancement and Inspection
Resource Development Services
Seafood Education
Seafood Promotions
Seal Research and Development


Fish Health/Veterinary

Technical Services

Baited Trawl Holding Unit Program
The Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture Baited Trawl Holding Unit (BTU) Program was introduced in the early 1970's to provide and maintain facilities in which trawls could be stored without deterioration during periods of fishers inactivity; i.e. when fishermen were unable to fish. A BTU facility consists of a chill room and an area in which trawls can be baited and repaired.
There are approximately 55 BTUs throughout the province and the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of these units. Access to the BTUs is normally provided by the local fishermen’s committees. There may be a small charge for this service, which is provided on a first come, first serve basis.
For more information, please call:
(709) 729-5405/4666
or email: fisheries webmaster
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Fish Health/Veterinary Services
Veterinary services are provided to finfish and shellfish growers to help them address any fish health issues that may hinder the development of a particular sector. A fully equipped fish health laboratory is operated in Bay d’Espoir along with additional lab facilities in St. John’s.

For more information, please call:
(709) 538-3764
or email: fisheries webmaster

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Industrial Engineering and Technical Services Program 
Provides engineering and technical assistance to processors in areas such as productivity, quality, yield and throughput with the study and assessment of present and future operations and with assistance directed towards the acquisition of new technology equipment which improve plant operations and profitability.
In addition, the program offers a variety of equipment, on a loan basis, to qualified processors who are involved in the development of new species of value added production.

For more information, please call:
(709) 729-2538
or email: fisheries webmaster

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Manages fish processing capacity and implements processing sector policies through the licencing of fish buyers and fish processing establishments.

For more information, please call:
(709) 729-3736
or email: fisheries webmaster

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Marine Service Centre/Facilities Program
Provides for the administration, leasing, maintenance and divestiture of provincially-owned fish handling and support facilities.

For more information, please call:
(709) 729-3748
or email: fisheries webmaster

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Market Research and Market Intelligence
Provides research, collection and distribution of market information by maintaining an overview of current market conditions for all major species, and the identification of market opportunities for emerging fisheries.

For more information, please call:
(709) 729-4441
or email: fisheries webmaster

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Northern Labrador Plants Program
Provides support for the operation of the processing plants at Nain and Makkovik and the facilities at Davis Inlet, Hopedale and Postville.

For more information, please call:
(709) 729-3748
or email: fisheries webmaster

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On-Board Quality 
Provides technical assistance to fish harvesters to improve onboard handling and storage of fish.

For more information, please call:
(709) 729-3766
or email: fisheries webmaster

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Aquaculture Innovation Program
The objective of the AIP is to assist commercial aquaculture operations to evaluate, develop, and adopt new techniques and/or technologies that expand production, reduce production costs, or increase product quality. This can be achieved by introducing and evaluating technologies that have been successful elsewhere. To ensure that the AIP is fully utilized by the aquaculture industry and continues to meet it’s objectives, the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture will review the usage of the Program following the deadline for applications as well as periodically throughout the year. Unlike other years, the AIP will not contribute to the purchase of technology that has been demonstrated in Newfoundland and Labrador.

For more information, please call:
 (709) 292-4100
or email: fisheries webmaster
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Productivity Enhancement 
Assists processors to improve productivity through technology transfer and process development.

For more information, please call:
(709) 729-3714 or 729-2358
or email: fisheries webmaster

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Quality Enhancement and Inspection Services
Assists industry to ensure fish products meet the highest quality standards through dockside grading and in-plant inspections.

For more information, please call:
(709) 729-5079
or email: fisheries webmaster

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Human Resources Development Program
The purpose of this program is to provide financial support to individual companies, groups of companies or recognized industry associations to upgrade the knowledge and skills base of employees from managers to site workers. Emphasis will be placed on company to company skills transfer to expose personnel to the best private, public and research sector techniques available. Examples of projects include, but are not limited to, exposure to technology and or practices that are utilized at other aquaculture operations and travel to work on recirculation systems in other Provinces.

For more information, please call:
 (709) 292-4100
or email: fisheries webmaster

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Marketing Intelligence Program
Given the rapid expansion in production of the mussel and salmonid sectors and the potential offered by cod, there is a considerable need to maintain and grow provincial marketing efforts. The emergence of aquaculture products as commodity foods also requires timely marketing to maintain market share and price in times of high global production.
A number of programs and initiatives currently exist to assist industry to develop new packaging designs, product forms and test marketing. Also, in recent months and years, there has been much support given to produce generic and species-specific literature to help promote the industry. This has been especially important in the mussel sector where the major trend over the past three years has been the production of value-added products to satisfy a rapidly expanding ready-to-eat food sector in North America.
While this support is in place, there remains a need for the gathering of market intelligence. This type of information will come from the investigation of specific areas of opportunity (areas related to product form, geography, end user, etc.) for aquaculture products. Once this information is known, the existing specific programs can assist an industry partner to develop the products and the marketing approach to exploit those opportunities.
Qualified consultants may be used to investigate and report on these opportunities.

For more information, please call:
 (709) 292-4100
or email: fisheries webmaster

Aquaculture Working Capital Loan Guarantee Program

The provincial government has established the Aquaculture Working Capital Loan Guarantee Initiative. This initiative will improve access to financing from traditional financial institutions through the provision of government loan guarantees.

Through the Aquaculture Working Capital Loan Guarantee Initiative, existing or new companies that are financially and technically sound will have a greater chance of success by ensuring that sufficient financing is available. The Initiative will only be available to companies that can demonstrate strength in all aspects of their business from the technical and marketing to the management capabilities. Also critical is a strong business plan for growth.

Prospective applicants to the Aquaculture Working Capital Loan Guarantee Initiative should contact Brian Meaney of the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture at (709) 729-3710 or

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Aquaculture Capital Investment Program

The objective of the program is to assist in increasing production of commercial aquaculture products in the province, from both hatcheries and marine sites, thereby increasing employment and spin-off opportunities in the processing, manufacturing, supply and service sectors, primarily in rural Newfoundland and Labrador.

The Program will provide a minimum investment to projects of $250,000 for finfish operations and $100,000 for shellfish to match a private sector cash investment. The private sector investment, in the form of cash, must be verified by way of auditor’s or solicitor’s certificate indicating that the Applicant’s investment has been made concurrent with that of Government.

The form of Government’s investment will mirror that of the applicant, with all rights of the applicant except the right to vote. The preferred form of investment will be by way of a separate class of common shares with rights as above.

Government and the Applicant will enter into a Unanimous Shareholders Agreement which will include all normal covenants and possibly a conversion right for Government if conditions of the Agreement are not adhered to by the Applicant, along with redemption privileges for Government’s investment.

Prospective applicants to the Aquaculture Capital Investment Program should contact Shawn Robinson of the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture at (709) 292-4111 or

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Seal Research and Development 
Includes research and development and market development initiatives for seal and seal products.

For more information, please call:
(709) 729-3714
or email: fisheries webmaster

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Technical Services Program
Provides technical support to government financial support programs such as the Bank Loan Guarantee Program.

For more information, please call:
(709) 729-3064
or email: fisheries webmaster

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Trade Show Development Program
Provides coordination and participation with industry in trade shows to market a variety of seafood products.

For more information, please call:
(709) 729-3390
or email: fisheries webmaster

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Fisheries Loan Guarantee Program

The Department of Development and Rural Renewal has been responsible for delivery of the program since 1997.

Designed to help fish harvesters obtain business financing with reasonable terms and conditions. The Province provides additional security in the form of term guarantees (20% of the loan amount) to chartered banks to assist fishers obtain such financing.  More detailed information.

For more information, please call:
(709) 729-7123
(709) 729-7010

email: fisheries webmaster

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