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Early Childhood
Early Childhood Learning

St. Augustine's Primary - Bell Island
St. Augustine's Primary - Bell Island

About the Division
Early Childhood Learning Programs Grant Application Package 2006-2007  (PDF)
Early Childhood Learning Programs - Grants Awarded 2002-2006
KinderStart Program

About the Division 

The Division of Early Childhood Learning was created in January, 2005, to focus on the learning needs of pre-school children, and to develop programs to prepare them to be successful when they enter the formal school system. The Division provides support to the Ministerial Council on Early Childhood Learning, composed of the Ministers of Education, who is also the Minister Responsible for the Status of Women; Health and Community Services; Human Resources, Labour and Employment; and Labrador and Aboriginal Affairs.
Research demonstrates that early childhood education provides a solid foundation for students’ later success in the school system. The purpose of the council is to foster the coordination and development of comprehensive programs across all government departments and agencies that play a role in early childhood education. Currently there are several early childhood programs and services, funded by both the provincial and federal government, being offered in the province, and the federal government has announced significant new funding for this program area.

Through this initiative, government will seek to ensure that resources are being used effectively to meet the needs of young children; identify gaps in the types of services available and examine the potential for new, more effective delivery models; determine whether there are geographic areas which do not have access to services; ensure that children who could benefit most from early childhood education have appropriate learning opportunities; and ensure new federal investment in early childhood learning is targeted appropriately.

In addition, through the Early Childhood Development Initiative Stepping into the Future, up to $250,000 is made available annually to support the delivery of Early Childhood Education Programs targeting children ages 0-6 and their families. Non-profit organizations in Newfoundland and Labrador may apply for Early Childhood Learning Program Grants.

The KinderStart Program is designed to address transition to school. Schools provide up to eight orientation sessions for children and their parents in the year prior to school entry.

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