June 30, 2005
(Health and Community Services)

New smoke-free legislation to take effect tonight

Newfoundlanders and Labradorians will enjoy cleaner, healthier air and safer public places when the Smoke-free Environment Act 2005 takes effect at midnight tonight, Health and Community Services Minister John Ottenheimer said today.

"Today marks the beginning of a healthier Newfoundland and Labrador. The smoking ban in all enclosed public places including bingo halls, bars and their patios and decks is a significant achievement that demonstrates government’s commitment to strengthening public health in this province," said Minister Ottenheimer.

Initial enforcement will be conducted by environmental health officers with the Department of Government Services in conjunction with liquor establishment inspectors. The Newfoundland and Labrador Liquor Corporation will be hiring six additional inspectors to strengthen enforcement throughout the province. Those inspectors will be responsible for enforcement of the Smoke-free Environment Act, 2005 in bars and bingo halls and the Liquor Control Act.

A toll-free number has been set up for the public to register complaints about establishments which are not complying with the ban. Inspectors will investigate these complaints and, if determined to be valid, appropriate enforcement action will be taken. The number is 1-888-733-2511.

"Ensuring sufficient resources for and dedication to enforcement highlights government’s commitment to the act," said Dianne Whalen, Minister of Government Services. "Inspectors will be ready to ensure that the requirements of the new law are met. Non-compliance will result in penalties for establishment owners and those individuals who deliberately defy the legislation."

Individuals convicted of smoking in prohibited areas will face a fine of between $50 and $500, while owners, operators or employers may be fined between $500 and $5,000.

The smoke-free legislation reflects the growing trend across the country to move toward a healthier, smoke-free society. The provinces of Manitoba, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, along with the Northwest Territories and Nunavut have implemented smoke-free legislation. The Province of Quebec has also recently announced its intention to proceed with similar legislation.

Media contact:
Carolyn Chaplin, Health and Community Services, (709) 729-1377, 682-5093
Vanessa Colman-Sadd, Government Services, (709) 729-4860, 682-6593

2005 06 30                                                9:35 a.m.

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