1. It's a fact 85% of teens who smoke _____ or more cigarettes may become regular smokers.
2. In Newfoundland and Labrador, _______ teens will start smoking this year?
3. Approximately _______ people in Newfoundland and Labrador will die this year due to illnesses brought on by tobacco use.
4. How many people die each year in NF and Lab from second hand smoke?
5. _______ per cent of smokers start before their 18th birthday?
6. Think of all the people in this world who die each year as a result of car accidents, suicides, homicides, AIDS and murder. Every year tobacco kills _______ times as many people as all these combined.
7. Almost 50 percent of smokers will die from their habit, losing an average of ______ years of their life?
8. Nicotine is more addictive than heroin and cocaine.
9. How many years does it take for a cigarette butt to decompose?
10. Tobacco is the only legal substance that is lethal when used as intended by the manufacturer.
11. Cigarettes contains over ___________ chemicals?
12. How long does it take nicotine (the drug in tobacco) to reach the brain after inhaling?
13. In order to continue to make billions of dollars each year, the tobacco industry must replace those smokers who quit or die. To attract new smokers, the tobacco industry's advertising campaigns are designed to target mainly:
14. How much does the tobacco industry spend every day to promote/advertise their products?
15. Name the actor who, for $ 500,000 agreed to make his character smoke in his next five movies?
16. Among school-aged children, who was the best known cartoon character in North America in 1991?
17. In NF and Lab the Tobacco Control Act states "it is illegal for a retailer or other person to sell or provide directly or indirectly, tobacco to a person under the age of _______?
18. Suppose you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day. How much money would you spend in one year?
19. Worldwide ________ cigarettes are sold each year ?
20. Baseball legend Babe Ruth smoked cigars and chewed tobacco. What age was he when he died of throat cancer?