Statutes and Regulations

The links above allow you to view online the Statutes and Regulations of Newfoundland and Labrador.  Online versions of bills introduced in the House of Assembly are available at House Business by selecting the link to the Progress of Bills.  The Newfoundland and Labrador Gazette is available on the Queen's Printer site.

You should choose the Consolidation if you want a current statement of the law.  You may browse an alphabetical list of statutes with links to the regulations associated with each statute.  You may also browse an alphabetical list of regulations by title. 

The Annual Statutes link takes you to an online version of the annual bound volume of statutes passed in that year by the House of Assembly. 

The Table of Public Statutes shows the history of a statute, including any amendments and whether it has been repealed or replaced by another statute. 

The Annual Regulations link takes you to an online version of the regulations published in the Gazette in a particular year. 

The Table of Regulations is organized by the statute that a regulation is made under and shows the history of the regulation.

We changed the way we cite our Statutes and Regulations when the name of the province changed to Newfoundland and Labrador. See sample citations.

Other links you may find useful:

  • See List of Proclamation (or effective) Dates for Acts that did not come into force immediately 
  • See List of Acts Not Included in the Consolidation 
  • See List of Local, Personal and Private Acts 
  • See the History and Disposal of Acts Table to find out what happened to individual provisions of
        the RSN1970 through to and including the SN1990
  • See Historical Statutes of Newfoundland to see Adobe versions of historical statutes
  • See House of Assembly Notice, 2003 in Part I of the Gazette, Sept. 19/03, p.480, for a list of
        Acts under the jurisdiction of the Commission of Internal Economy and the House of Assembly

    © 2004 The Honourable Speaker
    of the House of Assembly