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Medical Consultant Dr. Edgar Hunt (709) 729-3157
• Secretary Beverly Power (709) 729-3157
Economist Mike Doyle (709) 729-0338
Director, Medical Services Dr. Cathy Bradbury (709) 729-3508
• Secretary Mabel Martin (709) 729-3508
Asst. Director, Medical Services Dr. Blair Fleming (709) 758-1501
• Secretary Marie Heath (709) 758-1557
Statistician/Analyst Coleen Owens (709) 729-3698
Program Planning Officer Leona O’Neill (709) 729-4029
Director, Dental Services Dr. Bruce Bowden (709) 758-1503
Primary Health Care Office
Team Leader Juanita Barrett  (709)758-1548
Policy Analyst Diane Kieley  (709) 729-7443
Primary Health Care Consultant  Noreen Dort  (709) 729-4245
Medical Advisor  Conleth O’Maonaigh  (709) 729-7445
Research Assistant   Derek Fleming (709) 729-7922
Project Manager  Heather White  (709) 729-3698
• Secretary  Dana Ryan  (709) 729-1655
Disease Control & Epidemiology
Director Dr. Faith Stratton (709) 729-3430
• Secretary Juanita Follett (709) 729-3430
Disease Control Officer Cathy O'Keefe (709) 729-5019
Program Coordinator Rita Lewis (709) 729-3427
Research Policy Analyst Peggy Allan (709) 637-5417
Environmental Health Analyst Darryl Johnson (709) 729-3422
Environmental Health Promotion Specialist Douglas Howse (709) 729-1607
Epidemiology Analyst  Vacant
Pharmaceutical Services
Director Colleen Janes

(709) 729-6507

Manager Patricia Clark (709) 729-6507
Supervisor Colleen Ryan (709) 729-6507
Clinical Pharmacist I Brenda Wild (709) 729-6507
Clinical Pharmacist I Kelly Kavanagh (709) 729-6507
  Clinical Pharmacist I Carol Hipditch (709) 729-6507
  Clinical Pharmacist I Andrea Woodland (709) 729-6507
  Program Coordinator Marguerite Mullins (709) 729-6507
Project Manager Colleen Stockley

(709) 729-2344

Clerk IV Jean Tremblett (709) 729-6507
Clerk IV Pauline Kavanagh (709) 729-6507
Clerk IV Diane Pippy (709) 729-6507
Clerk IV Michelle Noseworthy (709) 729-6507
  Clerk Typist III Mary Ellen Dunphy (709) 729-6507
  Data Entry Operator Lisa Ennis (709) 729-6507
Public Health Labs Dr. Sam Ratnam (709) 777-7235

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