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Ross Wiseman

Hon. Ross Wiseman
Member for Trinity North
Minister of Health and Community Services

Ross Wiseman, MHA for Trinity North, was first elected in a by-election on April 25, 2000. Prior to entering political life, he had a successful 15-year career in health administration with the Peninsulas Health Care Corporation and the former Clarenville Area Hospital Board. In addition, he has extensive experience in the financial services industry, having held several branch and regional management positions throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. He has demonstrated a strong volunteer commitment to his community. He is a member of the Clarenville Area Chamber of Commerce. Prior to his election, was chairperson for Bonavista-Trinity-Placentia Integrated and Vista School Board, as well as an executive member and a coach in the Clarenville area minor hockey system and was involved as a leader in the scouting movement. While a Member of the House of Assembly, he has served as the deputy chair of the Public Accounts Committee. He was also appointed in April 2001 to chair the House of Assembly Select Committee to inquire into Bill 9, entitled An Act to Provide for the Recovery of Tobacco Related Health Care Costs. In 2005, he also chaired the public consultations on the “Smoking Ban in Bars and Bingo Halls” resulting in a new Act entitled the Smoke Free Environment Act (2005). On September 26, 2001, he was appointed the Opposition critic for Health and Community Services. Following his victory in the general election in the district of Trinity North on October 21, 2003, he was appointed Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health and Community Services on November 6, 2003 and was confirmed in that role in the departmental restructuring on February 20, 2004. He was sworn in as the Member for Trinity North on November 12, 2003. He chaired the Provincial Advisory Council on Aging and Seniors and in that capacity chaired the Public Consultations on Healthy Aging, a process to assist the government in developing a Provincial Healthy Aging Plan. On January 19, 2007, he was appointed Minister of Health and Community Services. Along with his wife Sandra, he continues to reside in the district of Trinity North.



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