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Recovery Centre

The Centre

The Recovery Centre is a provincial inpatient non-medical detoxification service which is operated by the Addictions Services Branch of Community Health, St. John's region. The 21-bed unit is a free service offered to adults who are suffering from intoxication and withdrawal from alcohol and/or other drugs.

Clients of the Recovery Centre have full access to the outpatient and inpatient treatment services offered by Addictions Services. The non-threatening, non-judgmental environment encourages the individual to begin a rehabilitation process. During their stay at the Recovery Centre, individuals can reflect on their problems and can be referred to the appropriate community addiction treatment services.


Admission to the Recovery Centre is open to men and women sixteen (16) years of age and older who are intoxicated or are experiencing symptoms of withdrawal. Admissions may be self referrals from community agencies such as the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary, social services, hospital emergency units, and physicians. The client is encouraged to stay up to 6 days at the Recovery Centre, however length of stay will be determined by individual needs. Clients may have a maximum of two admissions per month.

The detoxification program focuses on stabilizing individual's physical and psychological health as they seek safety and support during withdrawal. The Recovery Centre replaces despair with hope for a new beginning.

For further information, please contact:

Recovery Centre
Building 532, Pleasantville
P.O. Box 13122, Stn. A
St. John's, NF
A1B 4A4
Telephone: 752-4980
Facsimile: 752-4985

 For additional information, please contact one of the following Addictions Services Offices.

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