November 24, 2004
(Innovation, Trade and Rural Development)

Two Newfoundland and Labrador companies receive EDGE status

Innovation, Trade and Rural Development Minister Kathy Dunderdale announced today that two Newfoundland and Labrador companies will receive support under the department’s Economic Diversification and Growth Enterprises (EDGE) Program. Beaufort Solutions Incorporated of St. John’s and H&H Enterprises of Wabush will obtain EDGE status to expand and diversify operations in the province.

"The photographic industry is undergoing a major technological shift due to the introduction and development of digital imagery," said Minister Dunderdale. "Through the assistance of the EDGE Program, Beaufort Solutions can continue its operations in Newfoundland and Labrador while maintaining its competitive edge, positioning it to become an impressive world player in the development of digital imaging software."

Beaufort Solutions provides photo kiosk software to large resellers that manufacture or sell digital imaging kiosks to large retail chains, and provides central lab processing software to companies expanding their services to include digital imaging. Beaufort is an international software developer and is the only business of its kind in the province. The company anticipates employing 15 people by 2005.

"The granting of EDGE status to our company will help maintain its global competitiveness and grow its base at home in Newfoundland," said Beaufort’s Chief Executive Officer Todd Hiscock. "We are pleased that the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador has chosen to support Beaufort Solutions in this exciting growth industry."

H&H Enterprises operates a fabrication shop in Labrador West. Through the EDGE Program, its operations will expand and diversify resulting in a fully integrated facility which offers fabricating, machining and rubber lining to the mining sector. The expansion of H&H Enterprises will create 15 professional and skilled positions.

"H&H Enterprises has recognized and seized an opportunity to expand its business through the EDGE program," said Minister Dunderdale. "It is this type of awareness and responsiveness to business development that will ensure our province’s long-term success."

"Having EDGE status will allow H&H Enterprises to increase the range of its services and put it on a more competitive footing with companies in Quebec and New Brunswick when bidding for contracts with the mining industry in Labrador West," said Roy Hunt, President of H&H Enterprises.

The Economic Diversification and Growth Enterprises (EDGE) Program provides a package of incentives to encourage significant new business investment in the province to help diversify our economy and stimulate new private sector job creation, particularly in rural areas.

Media contact: Lynn Evans, Communications, (709) 729-4570, 690-6290

2004 11 24                                                    10:15 a.m.

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