March 11, 2005
(Innovation, Trade and Rural Development)

Minister to visit Boston to promote provincial ambassador and trade initiatives

Kathy Dunderdale, Minister of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development, will be in Boston next week to promote the department’s Ambassador Program and its New England Trade and Investment Initiative.

The Department of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development’s world-wide Ambassador Program provides the department with access to market information and an expanded business network in foreign markets. In Boston, ambassadors include Newfoundlanders and Labradorians living there, first generation Americans of Newfoundland and Labrador descent and people who have developed a close relationship with Newfoundland and Labrador from living in or visiting the province.

The New England Trade and Investment Initiative is a provincially-led program launched in 1999 to assist Newfoundland and Labrador companies that wish to enhance international trading ties with New England. Since the introduction of this initiative, the provincial government has led twelve business-to-business trade missions that have introduced more than 90 small-to-medium-sized companies to the New England market.

"There are approximately 300 Newfoundland and Labrador ambassadors at home and abroad promoting our province," said Minister Dunderdale. "Our New England ambassadors have been particularly proactive in helping the department’s New England Trade and Investment Initiative organize successful trade missions."

Minister Dunderdale will also attend the Boston Seafood Show and visit Josiah Quincy Upper School which is participating in a student exchange program with Holy Heart School in St. John’s in April.

Media contact: Lynn Evans, Communications, (709) 729-4570 or 690-6290

2005 03 11         1:55 p.m.

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