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Small Business Week, October 16 to 22, 2005 

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Business Service Network Canada/Newfoundland and Labrador Business Service Network

Hon. Kathy Dunderdale, Minister of Innovation, Trade and Rural DevelopmentAs Minister of Innovation, Trade and Rural Development, I invite you to join our staff and partners at events around the province as we celebrate Small Business Week. This week we salute entrepreneurs who are the power behind the economy. Attend the events below, meet some of these people, and learn about the many programs and services designed to help start and grow small business.
Economic Boards  Contact our local staff for further details

Sunday, October 16
Ferryland, Baltimore High
Annual Fall Fair, 10 am -- 4 pm. Tel: 432-3019

Monday - Friday, October 17 - 21
St. John's, 90 O'Leary Ave. Workshops, Canada/Newfoundland and Labrador Business Service Centre, 12:30 - 1:30 pm. Tel:1-800-668-1010

Monday, October 17
Port Saunders, INTRD Office Open House, 2- 4 pm. Tel: 861-3096
English Harbour West, Lion's Club Reception, 6:30 pm. Tel: 538-3796
Stephenville, Cormack Centre Proclamation Signing, 11 - 1 pm.
Tel: 643-2600
Marystown, Hotel Marystown NLOWE networking session.
Tel: 279-4540
Plum Point Small Business Week Breakfast, 8:30 am. Tel: 454-3521
St. Anthony, INTRD Office Open House,  2-4 pm. Tel: 454-3521
Labrador City, Great Wall Restaurant Business Lunch, 12 - 1 pm.
Tel: 944-3723
Port aux Basques, Hotel Port aux Basques Networking Breakfast, 8 - 9:30 a.m
Tel: 695-3688

Tuesday, October 18
Clarenville, Clarenville Inn Chamber of Commerce reception 4 - 7 pm. Tel: 466-4170
Stephenville, Bay St. George Community Employment Assoc. Community Living Celebration, 11 - 1 pm. Tel: 643-3470
College of the North Atlantic
Skilled Trades Forum, 9 - 4 pm.
Tel: 643-6875
Port aux Basques,
St. Christopher's Hotel
Business Resources, 2 - 7.
Tel: 695-3688
St. Anthony, Haven Inn Marketing workshop, 10 - 3 pm.
Tel: 454-3521
Labrador City, Chamber of Commerce, Bruno Plaza Open House, 1 - 4 pm. Tel: 944-3723

Wednesday - Friday, October 19 - 21
Fishermen's Landing Inn,
Rocky Harbour
Northern Peninsula Business Network Innovation Forum. Tel: 861-3096

Wednesday, October 19
Stephenville, Holiday Inn Business Information Expo.  
Gander, Albatross Hotel Small Business Week Luncheon, Noon. Tel: 256-1484
Labrador City
Two Seasons Hotel
Junior Achievement Appreciation.
Tel: 944-4046
Clarenville, Clarenville Inn NLOWE Networking Session, 7 - 9 pm. Tel: 466-4170

Thursday, October 20
Harbour Grace, Harbour Breeze Info Fair. Tel: 596-4116
Grand Falls Windsor
Royal Canadian Legion
Business Awards Banquet
Baie Verte, Bay Vista Motel Business Luncheon  Tel: 532-4772
Port aux Basques
Hotel Port aux Basques
Tax Planning Workshop
Tel: 695-3688
L. S. Eddy Building
Youth Skills Workshop. 3:30 - 6:30.
Tel: 643-5606
Labrador City
Samantha's Fine Dining
NLOWE Breakfast, 7:30 am.
Tel: 944-6688
Labrador City
Labrador Mall
Information Displays, 1 - 4 pm.
Tel: 944-4046

Friday, October 21
Port aux Basques
St. Christopher's Hotel
Business Awards Dinner,  Tel: 695-3688
Labrador City
Cornelius Restaurant
Closing luncheon, 12 - 2 pm.
Hotel Stephenville
Networking Lunch, 12 - 1:30 pm
Tel: 643-5854
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Disclaimer/Copyright/Privacy Statement                                                                                 Last updated: October 13, 2005