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Winners of the Second Annual CED Awards    

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Annual Community Economic Development Awards presented

The province’s second annual Community Economic Development Awards were presented in Port aux Basques by Industry, Trade and Rural Development Minister Kelvin Parsons at a gala event on the evening of October 19, 2002. "The award winners are tremendous leaders in their respective fields," said Minister Parsons in congratulating the seven award recipients. "They are truly fine examples of the dedication and commitment that lies behind the good things that are happening across the province today."

"They have played leading roles in community economic development in the province. They don’t seek the spotlight. The only reward they seek is the economic betterment of their communities and our province," Mr. Parsons said. "Our province is very fortunate to have legions of individuals and organizations who play very active and productive roles in economic development at the community level. Whether they play leading roles or supporting roles, they are all winners."

And the winners are....
Charlie Ennis of Baie Verte has captured the Outstanding Individual Achievement Award that recognizes the distinguished contribution of an individual to community economic development. Mr. Ennis was a finalist in this category in last year’s inaugural Community Economic Development Awards.

The Genesis Centre in St. John’s takes home the Excellence in Fostering Entrepreneurship Award that recognizes an organization’s or an individual’s distinguished effort to promote, mentor and/or foster entrepreneurship at the community level.

The Eagle River Credit Union of Labrador has won the Excellence in Partnerships Award that recognizes exceptional efforts and achievements of organizations working together to achieve positive results in community economic development.

The youth organization FINALY! (Futures in Newfoundland and Labrador Youth) has won the Excellence in Youth Leadership Award. This award recognizes a young person or youth group which has demonstrated exceptional initiative, visibility, leadership and success in engaging youth in community economic development.

The Labrador West Centre for Interactive Learning in Labrador City has captured the Innovation in Education Award that recognizes exceptional efforts and achievements of an individual or group in bringing together education and community economic development programs and activities for the betterment of their communities.

In a new category added this year, Lifetime Achievement Awards were presented to the Fogo Island Co-operative Society and to the late Ambrose Chubbs of St. Lewis in Labrador. This award recognizes an individual or organization whose work has made a lasting contribution to the economic development of a community or whose work over an extended period has consistently empowered people to foster economic growth at the community level.

Selection Process
The winners were selected from almost 90 nominations received for the awards. All nominations were reviewed by an eight-member awards committee comprised of four representatives drawn from the regional economic development boards, and one representative each from the

  • Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Municipalities, 
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Co-operatives,
  • FINALY! (Futures in Newfoundland and Labrador Youth), 
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Organization for Women Entrepreneurs (NLOWE), 
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Community Business Development Corporations, 
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Division of Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters,
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Rural Development Council,
  • Department of Industry, Trade and Rural Development.

The purpose of the Community Economic Development Awards program is to recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of individuals and organizations who have excelled as leaders in community economic development in Newfoundland and Labrador. The program was introduced last year in association with RuralEXPO 2001.

Backgrounder: The Winners
Charlie Ennis 
Charlie Ennis has been involved in community economic development in Baie Verte since 1967. Mr. Ennis has been a strategic thinker and visionary participant in a number of initiatives which have shaped the face of regional economic development in Newfoundland and Labrador over his career. As the executive director of the Baie Verte and Area Community Futures Committee (now the Emerald Business Development Corporation), he was instrumental in bringing the micro-business lending concept to this province. Mr. Ennis was also involved in bringing high technology to rural areas through the Enterprise Network. He was an active member of the 1995 Community Economic Development Task Force, which gave rise to the twenty Regional Economic Development Boards in the province. His most recent pioneering undertaking has been the establishment of a Community Capital Corporation in the Baie Verte region which encourages investors in the community to invest in a pool of capital to support new business start-ups and expansions.

The Genesis Centre
The Genesis Centre is a business support network designed to help Newfoundland and Labrador knowledge-based entrepreneurs create new high-growth business enterprises. It provides a wide range of resources and services for its clients with the primary goal of preparing them to become "investor ready". The Genesis Centre is owned by Memorial University and governed by a Board of Directors representing industry, academia and government. Since 1997, it has provided both on-site services to clients who are tenants in its "incubator" facility located on the MUN campus in St. John’s, and out-reach services to clients located in their own premises throughout the province. The Genesis Centre has had ten companies "graduate" from its program and currently has nine active clients, including Genoa Design International of Manuels. Notable "graduates" of the Genesis Centre include Garrison Guitars International of Mount Pearl and Innova Multimedia of Stephenville.

Eagle River Credit Union Limited (ERCUL)
In 1984, the only local branch of a chartered bank in the Labrador Straits area closed its doors. Local residents decided it was time to look to themselves for a solution to the problem. Thus was born the Eagle River Credit Union. Under the direction of a broadly based local Board of Directors, ERCUL has made itself an integral part of the community in the Labrador Straits area ever since then. Together with its many partners, ERCUL sponsors annual educational scholarships, administers a financing program for core fishing enterprises, is represented on two regional economic development boards, and sponsors countless community-based events and organizations in the local area. To their customers, they mean more than a chequing account and an ATM. From its modest beginnings in 1984, the Eagle River Credit Union has grown to three branches, has 32 staff, 4,700 members and over $37 million in assets under active management. They are a key stakeholder in the communities in which they operate and in the economy of the entire region.

FINALY! Futures in Newfoundland and Labrador Youth!
FINALY! is a province-wide organization which provides a strong, unified voice for young people engaged in community economic development throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. FINALY! has established and maintains youth councils in 15 economic zones in the province, contributing directly to the work of the regional economic development boards in those areas. Since its founding in the mid 1990s, FINALY! has established itself as a credible, active, youth run organization, with over 500 youth members and has "graduated" a multitude of young leaders from across the province. FINALY! holds provincial and regional youth forums annually, as well as other youth leadership development activities at the community level. Its ongoing partnerships with other organizations such as Youth Ventures and the Newfoundland and Labrador School Boards Association, and the leadership role it plays in involving youth in local, regional and provincial economic development issues, are attracting national and international attention.

Labrador West Centre for Interactive Learning
Recognizing the tremendous requirement for continuous skills upgrading and life-long learning programs in the workplace, the Iron Ore Company of Canada established the Labrador West Centre for Interactive Learning (LWCIL) in September of 1998 through an innovative partnership with the Labrador West Campus of the College of the North Atlantic. Its mandate is to strengthen and enhance educational opportunities and worker training in the Labrador West area through the use of cutting edge communications technology. This unique partnership, with the resources and commitment of the region’s largest private employer, and the facilities and experience of the public college system, has proven to be a potent force in community economic development in the Labrador West area. From a virtual site visit to the New York zoo for primary students, to on-line delivery of lectures from Labrador City to MBA students at Memorial University, the Centre continues to break down the geographical barriers to educational opportunities in Labrador West.

Mr. Ambrose Chubbs (Deceased)
Mr. Chubbs was nominated for this award by the Town Council of St. Lewis for his legacy of accomplishment for his community and the inspiration he has been to all residents of the town. Mr. Chubbs first became a community volunteer in1983 when he joined the St. Lewis Town Council for the first of many terms. He was active as a member of the East Shore Development Association, a founding member of the Battle Harbour Regional Development Association, and later a member of the Southeastern Aurora Development Corporation. In more recent years, he served as the Mayor of St. Lewis, and Vice President of the Joint Councils of Labrador, an umbrella organization of all municipal councils in Labrador. Mr. Chubbs was a devoted community volunteer, playing leadership roles in attracting new investment and economic activity to the St. Lewis area. He was a strong advocate for youth involvement in the community and in economic development generally. He was a pioneer in the development of the Labrador Snowmobile Winter Trails Initiative and was instrumental in making the business case to have St. Lewis joined up with the Trans Labrador Highway. Mr. Chubbs died on May 29, 2002, in St. John’s, after suffering a massive stroke. He was 53 years old. He is survived by his wife Lillian, sons Brad and Byron and daughter Benita and granddaughter Tana. The award was accepted in Mr. Chubbs’ memory by his son, Brad.

Fogo Island Co-operative Society Limited
This year marks the 35th anniversary of the Fogo Island Co-op. The contribution that this member-owned organization has made to the community of Fogo Island has been outstanding. Many residents believe that their island community would not have survived without the direct involvement of its people through the Co-op. Today, the Fogo Island Co-operative owns three fish processing facilities, one buying station, a marine service center, and a fish product development/research facility. It also operates a fish processing facility at Change Islands for experimental sea cucumber production. It markets a variety of fish species to countries around the world and has annual sales in the vicinity of $25 million. It is owned and operated by fish harvesters and processing plant workers who invest 5% of their net income into the Co-op annually. The Co-op has provided leadership, stability and sustainability to its island community for the past 35 years and has been actively involved in supporting the community through a host of economic, educational and social initiatives.

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