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May 24, 2006
(Executive Council)
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Premier’s meeting with fishery stakeholders explores new direction for future

Premier Danny Williams, federal Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, Loyola Hearn and provincial Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Tom Rideout today said that the Premier’s meeting with fishery stakeholders provided valuable perspectives and recommendations for the future direction of the fishery in Newfoundland and Labrador.

“Today’s meeting with stakeholders was an extremely productive exercise for our government and we are pleased that Minister Hearn was able to join us. Clearly, any solutions to the complicated problems in this industry require the support of both levels of government,” said Premier Williams. “The dialogue was open and honest, and I felt encouraged by the level of engagement by participants. The challenges facing our industry are complex and solutions will not be realized overnight. However, there was consensus that all stakeholders must work cooperatively as we move forward, including governments, unions, processors, harvesters and communities.”

“I think it was very significant to bring everyone together like this,” said Minister Hearn. “As fellow Newfoundlanders and Labradorians, we share a common understanding about where the industry stands today. That allowed us to focus our discussions on solutions and forward-looking ideas.”

Approximately 50 presentations were made to the Premier and ministers by a wide variety of stakeholders in the industry including harvesters, processors, plant workers, impacted communities and representatives of government and opposition parties. Many issues were discussed and the meeting was an effective information gathering exercise for government.

Minister Rideout said, “There are many challenges facing this industry. Clearly it is an industry in transition and now is the time to determine how we can most strategically take steps toward change. As an outcome of today’s meetings, government has a clearer idea of how we must move forward.”

Key issues raised included the need for policy renewal and restructuring of the industry, an adjustment program for fishery workers, marketing of our province’s seafood products, out-migration and support for affected communities. There was also broad-based agreement on a regional approach to fish processing.

“Government is already taking steps to address some of the issues raised today and in other areas further action will be needed,” said the Premier. “Together with the federal government we have already established a working group on fisheries adjustment in the province. However, much more remains to be done. Minister Hearn and I have agreed to sit down in the coming days to develop concrete next steps as we collectively deal with the issues before us.

“Our government has a vision of a healthy rural sector where reliable communities have a resilient and sustainable fishery. Our challenge is to forge a consensus on how to move forward and develop appropriate processes to bring about a more sustainable and vibrant industry. Status quo is not an option and I am hopeful that today marks a turning point for the fishery in Newfoundland and Labrador as we continue to work to achieve this objective.”

Media contact:

Elizabeth Matthews, Office of the Premier, (709) 729-3960, 690-5500,

Lori Lee Oates, ABC, Fisheries and Aquaculture, (709) 729-3733, 690-8403,

Steve Outhouse, Office of Minister Hearn, (613) 947-4483, 294-8213

2006 05 24                                                      6:45 p.m.

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