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March 3, 2006
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Government issuing request for proposals for operation of New Ferolle fish processing facility

Tom Rideout, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, today announced that government is issuing a Request for Proposals for operation of the fish processing facility at New Ferolle.

Minister Rideout said, "Residents in New Ferolle and the surrounding area have been anxiously waiting for a new operator to take over the local facility. A multi-species processing facility has historically existed in the community, and government has been working diligently to resolve the issues that have faced this operation in recent months."

Government took possession of the plant in early 2005 and has weighed its options with respect to the future of the facility, to ensure the best interests of the community are addressed.

"The fishing industry has been the economic backbone of New Ferolle for decades," said the minister. "This must continue. To that end, I am pleased to say that we are now in the position to seek an operator that will operate the facility, on a viable basis, in the future and restore the level of employment that has existed in the community in the past."

Minister Rideout says that government will make every effort to see that the facility is operational in 2006.

"Our goal remains to have processing activity in the community commence in a timely manner," said the minister. "All proposals will be received by the end of the month, and we will ensure they are addressed expeditiously and that an operator is selected shortly thereafter."

"I am very pleased that the minister is moving ahead with this request for proposals," said Wally Young, MHA for St. Barbe. "The operation of the New Ferolle fish plant is very important to the economic future of the community. This request for proposals is the best process through which to choose an operator that is economically sound and that can best address the needs of the community."

Minister Rideout reiterated government’s commitment to the fishing industry in Newfoundland and Labrador. "The fishing industry is currently undergoing dramatic changes," said the minister. "Our government knows how important the fishery is to the future of the province and even more importantly to the future of the people who live in rural Newfoundland and Labrador. We will work with all sectors of the industry to facilitate positive change in the industry that is so critical to the future of our province."

The call for proposals for operation of the New Ferolle facility will be formally advertised commencing tomorrow. All proposals must be received by noon on March 27, 2006.

Media contact: Lori Lee Oates, ABC, Communications, (709) 729-3733, 690-8403

2006 03 03                         9:45 a.m.

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