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March 7, 2006
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Promotion of province’s seafood products a top
priority at this year’s International Boston Seafood Show

Tom Rideout, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, today reiterated that the promotion of the province’s seafood products will be a top priority for government at this year’s International Boston Seafood Show. The show is North America’s preeminent seafood trade show and provides an excellent forum for marketing Newfoundland and Labrador’s seafood products to the world.

Minister Rideout said: "Newfoundland and Labrador has a pure environment with a rich blend of the world’s finest seafood products. As international markets become increasingly competitive, we are ensuring that the quality seafood products from the waters of this province are at the forefront of the global marketplace. Good marketing and quality assurance ensures we get the best price for our seafood products.

"Our government will be hosting a reception attended by invitees from all over the world," said Minister Rideout. "This reception provides attendees from our province the opportunity to network with prospective business contacts from all over the world. As well, international delegates will be able to sample food contributed by Newfoundland and Labrador seafood companies. We also provide a multi-media presentation that emphasizes our industry’s professionalization, diversity and the variety of premium quality seafood that we produce."

Minister Rideout says that in addition to our evening reception, Newfoundland and Labrador has a tremendous presence at the show.

"The Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture has an exhibitor booth that provides all attendees with a strong sense of the Newfoundland and Labrador seafood industry," said the minister. "The booth provides a visual display of this province’s industry and distributes fact sheets regarding the industry, a provincial seafood directory and provides samples of this province’s finest seafood."

Minister Rideout will be meeting with a number of aquaculture investors, and will participate in a breakfast meeting with many processors from around Atlantic Canada. The minister will also be attending receptions hosted by the Government of New Brunswick and the Canadian Embassy and will be taking part in luncheons hosted by the Canadian Seafood Industry, as well as federal and provincial ministers.

"Each of these meetings will be very effective in facilitating the sharing of ideas and experiences on competing in a global seafood industry," said the minister.

Over 35,000 people visit the Boston seafood show to experience over 1,200 exhibitor booths from over 90 countries. Numerous representatives of the media in the United States attend the show, as well as organizations from Canada and Europe. This includes trade publications and other print media and radio.

The minister added that we must increase the awareness of the variety and quality of Newfoundland and Labrador seafood products throughout the global marketplace.

"Our government places the utmost importance on the marketing of our seafood products," said Minister Rideout. "We will explore all available opportunities for our provincial seafood products during the Boston show to ensure the best options are available for this province."

The 2006 International Boston Seafood Show takes place March 12-14.

Media contact: Lori Lee Oates, ABC, Communications, (709) 729-3733, 690-8403

2006 03 07                               11:05 a.m.

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