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June 1, 2006
(Fisheries and Aquaculture)

Minister discusses key fisheries issues with EU Ambassador

Tom Rideout, Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture, today discussed a number of key issues related to the Newfoundland and Labrador fishery with His Excellency, Eric Hayes, Ambassador of the European Union (EU) to Canada.

"The discussions with Ambassador Hayes were very productive," said Minister Rideout. "I outlined this province’s position on a number of international issues related to our fishery and provided an overview of their implications for the province."

Issued discussed include EU tariffs on Canadian seafood products, foreign overfishing and the East Coast seal fishery.

"During our discussions, I outlined that the EU is an important market for Newfoundland and Labrador seafood products," said the minister. "However, I indicated that EU tariffs, particularly those pertaining to shrimp, pose a significant impediment to this province’s seafood industry as they place our producers at a substantial disadvantage. I noted to the Ambassador that any movements on this issue would benefit European consumers as all Canadian producers, not just those in Newfoundland and Labrador."

Minister Rideout said he also took the opportunity to mention that Canada, as the coastal state, should have greater control over straddling stocks, particularly those in which Canada is the majority quota holder.

"I made it clear that foreign overfishing continues to have a significant impact on the Newfoundland and Labrador fishery," said the minister. "I indicated that this government would like to see custodial management implemented."

The minister also discussed the realities of the East Coast seal harvest. "With the massive amounts of misleading information regarding the seal fishery circulating throughout the world, I took a few moments to discuss the realities of the industry," said Minister Rideout. "Particularly, I mentioned that the harp seal population is healthy and abundant and that the seal hunt off the east coast of Canada is managed based on sound scientific evidence. It is conducted in a humane manner and continues to be highly regulated."

Ambassador Hayes visited the minister on a diplomatic courtesy call.

Photo #1: Minister Rideout with EU Ambassador, His Excellency, Eric Hayes

Media contact: Lori Lee Oates, ABC, Communications, (709) 729-3733, 690-8403

2006 06 01                          3:10 p.m.

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